Seven News Presenters and Reporters (2015-Sept 2020)

Jennifer Keyte reading the weather forecast in Melbourne tonight.


She is presenting on location in Kiribilli


Rob Scott did a live cross yesterday. TBH I think he is one of the only capable reporters for a national audience other than like Geof Parry from Perth. The rest are all trashy reporters from The West Australian. It’s one of the many reasons why I can never like Perth’s Seven News.

This isn’t about whether the Perth reporter is capable of covering it for a national audience or not. It’s about ensuring the story is presented the right way locally and nationally.

The local reporter, if filing for network would have to file twice, one for network by 4pm in the West and then by 6pm in the West for local. Why not just have one reporter do the hit in the east and another do the one in the west? Allowing the local reporter to cover this massive local story the best they can for their audience?

Adding to that, on a national level there’s certain things that might work in a local story (references to officials or whatever) that don’t fit in a network track.

Surely bringing in extra reporters/resources shows Seven’s commitment to covering the story rather than overloading the local reporter unnecessarily.


The story has also been the lead story last night and tonight here in Sydney (and I’d assume nationally) so it makes sense. Nothing against Perth reporters id imagine.

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Was good to see her reading again. She is under-utilised with SN (as is Mel Doyle and Matt Doran).


I actually prefer a local angle. In last night’s ABC News Victoria, Tamara Oudyn crossed to her Perth-based colleague at Margaret River on the latest on the murder case.


For large scale natural disasters like fires, floods of cyclones (often occurring outside of metro areas) where newsrooms are stretched or where a specialist reporter is required (eg Gemma Acton at the Banking Royal Commission) I’d agree. Otherwise, let the locals cover it. Give them experience in crafting reports for local and national markets.


The ABC also has no money.

To be fair, this is verging on that kind of story given the national and international interest.

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I never understand the uproar on this forum when a reporter is sent out of their capital city to cover a story.

In the example of Ovadia, they have sent him to Perth for 3 simple reasons:

  1. His experience as a Senior Crime Reporter.
  2. His familiarity to viewers nationwide.
  3. A 2 hour time difference making it easier to file reports across bulletins from 5am - 7pm, including local bulletins for Sunrise, Afternoon and 6pm.

Your recent uproar about this common practice is amusing to me.

You’ll find that the news bosses make these decisons to facilitate resources for network commitments. Crosses to the east coast happen at 4pm, Adelaide at 4.30pm Perth time. While the local journo is still gathering resources for the local bulletin.

Often times if the network’s resources are thin, there’ll be two local journos on the story (as ten does quite often) but this whole thing is nothing new and very common.


Just found this on You Tube… Nicole Chvastek and Jim Wilson reading 7 Nightly News in 1994…

I remember Nicole being a regular fill in newsreader for the weekend bulletins and reading news updates in Melbourne during her time at Seven in the 1990’s.

Anyone know what happened to her? I also remember Dean Felton being another full in at the time.

She left Seven in 2002 and joined the ABC, last time l checked she was working on ABC radio.
Yes Dean was also a fill in newsreader during his first stint at Seven during the 1990’s.

Paul Kadak presenting 5:00pm News from Sydney. Only being shown in NSW, QLD and WA due to AFL coverage elsewhere.


I don’t know if mentioned on here already but Perth 7news director has resigned a few weeks ago.


Still doing statewide drive in Victoria.

Howard Gretton??

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Correct :+1:

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