Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Is it really a screw up though?

The graphics Seven uses for the opener of news updates is actually pretty sleek. The glass 7’s transitioning out of the main 7 is creative, modern and looks better than the update opener graphics for 9,10,SBS and ABC news.

I think because they’ve been on our screens for some time people think they now look bad but really those graphics are competitive.

I think the map thing is too cliché and tired. That could perhaps be updated to a skyline effect with the glass 7s remaining.

What definitely needs to go is the blue font on the headline bed at for the bulletins as well as the square banner to the right of the screen during updates.

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9 has red, white and blue graphics, but has a hideous set with red and orange elements. How is that consistent? Does the set colour have to be the same as the graphics? Can’t it be complementary?

That’s Max.

That’s nonsense. There’s great chemistry on screen, they’re just not giggling all the time. Watch after sport and they usually have a quick joke about something, and as the news closes, they’re all enjoying a great chat, and often a wave to the weather presenter if on location.

Good to see your 7 rose coloured goggles are firmly in place.
I’ve turned over wayyyyyy before the sports bulletin.

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First and foremost my main concern is that you watch a certain news bulletin based on it’s on screen graphics. That’s absurd!

Gosh, whatever happened to a person being genuinely interested in the days events and choosing a service they trust and are familiar with and not because of a colour used below a headline or graphics in a news opener. Yikes!!

What are you on about? Where did I make mention of screen graphics? Unless Sharyn and Bill are graphics, I never mentioned them.

I think that those posts were in response to a post made a couple of days ago.

My comment was on the the graphics, your response was I have on ‘rose coloured 7 glasses’ as you’ve stated before

Of course I don’t watch a particular news bulletin purely based on it’s on screen graphics. :wink:

Other cities might be different, but I still think that the content of Seven News Sydney leaves quite a lot to be desired most of the time. And don’t get me started on the main presenter of the bulletin!

On another note, I managed to see a promo airing for Seven News Sydney late last night which focused on David Brown’s weather. The endtag had Brownie and Fergo standing together. Does this mean that he’s been appointed as the permanent/regular weeknight presenter?


Wasn’t referring to you SydCity re: watching news only for graphic reasons :slight_smile:

Oh interesting. Would like to see that promo with Mark and David. I think Brownie is perfect addition to the Seven News team. Wilson needs to go next.

I say bring in Tim Webster for the Seven sports desk. He’s a sports pro, older and closest in competition to Ken Sutcliffe.

…and here’s the promo:

I’m sure that the currently on maternity leave Sarah Cumming wouldn’t have been too pleased to see this promo on TV!


Highly unusual to have a 20 second promo filmed for someone “just filling-in”, I would have thought.


I’m wondering how much they’ll be using Mel Mclaughlin on the Sydney bulletin to break up the blokiness. Media reports, although not reliable on these matters, have Seven paying her $600,000 a year. Such salaries are usually reserved for top tier presenters. Surely they wouldn’t be paying a general sports reporter that much?


Of course Seven could also break up the blokiness on the Sydney 6pm bulletin by swapping Mark Ferguson for Melissa Doyle (and I don’t think that would’ve cost the network an extra $600,000 a year!), but lets not get into that debate…


Couldn’t agree more SydneyCityTV!

Yes, take this for example:

How many different types of Seven News Logos do they need for their promos?!
(Screen grabs from SydneyCityTV Videos)


I actually think Seven will not use Mel on the Sydney bulletin. She will be on the same status as Bruce McAvaney.

I just spat coffee all over my laptop. Mclaughlin in the same league as McAvaney? Definitely not.


Can someone fact check that promo? Is David really the most qualified meteorologist on TV and did he really invent the 7 day forecast?