Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

What do you exactly mean by resources? Journalists are filing stories across the country and stories are shared to each newsroom who select what they want in there broadcast. All they really need is a presenter and control room staff to put the broadcast to air (if it were to happen)

In terms of staff, dare I say I think Seven Perths newsroom is probably one of the most resourced newsrooms in the country considering they have various journalists from The West Australian and Sunday Times. They just don’t use it to the highest potential/


That’s something I tried to search on. I thought Kendall would say, “For our Sydney and New South Wales viewers, here’s what’s coming up in your local Seven News at 6,” then checks with either Sharyn or Max for Queensland viewers. But I’m glad they didn’t, cause it would rush the Brisbane team to finish the preview when the runtime for a supposed pre-recorded Sydney news preview ends up.


I’m willing to bet that such an opportunity will come at fairly short notice, likely for emergency reasons or a local story with national importance. Wouldn’t be surprised if they used the set as-is or go ad hoc in the newsroom.

I don’t think the current assets for a national newscast would be well-adjusted for the virtual set in a short turnover.

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They actually have the same amount of resources as Sydney. Perth is heavily invested into Just because their set is crap doesn’t mean anything lol.
Sets aren’t everything. Rolling news coverage is done infront of a green screen most times and no one would know the difference with a tight shot of the same backdrop.


The issue yesterday was that the Sydney newsroom was operating on minimal staff. They could certainly put a bulletin to air out of Perth but it wouldn’t have been a proper local bulletin anyway so why bother? If you had a team in Sydney putting the bulletin together and then just had it presented out of Perth then it would be a different matter (which is what the situation was in Dec 2014).


Melbourne News with Blake Johnson


Exactly. The most important stories deserve to lead the bulletin, regardless of whether it’s a major news day or not.

In the not overly distant past, Seven News Sydney has had bulletin-leading stories which are probably more to be expected from Today Tonight like a washing powder company being fined for overcharging its products and “How drivers can get cash back from motorway tolls” before more important news items. Reports on things like train station developments are fine if they’re shown between Sport & Weather, but surely not in the first segment (or even the lead story) of the bulletin?


But there’s normally only one story that fits in that slot right, so what happens if there are several stories like this on one particular night that need to go in this slot?

Just air one of them, or don’t air any of them at all.


Little bit of a different angle on the Sydney opener tonight.


Ann Sanders & Jim Wilson reading Seven News at 4:00pm.


I’m pretty sure that is there to prevent a car being driven through that gap just like the rest of the bollards that were installed in Martin place.
They cover it with fake foliage lattice during Sunrise.


Interesting behind the scenes look from Martin Place street view of the Seven News Sydney setup. I like it!!


Learn some facts before having a dig. It’s been put there to prevent an attack.


It’s very poorly done as there is NOTHING on either side, nothing on Martin Place along side the Seven studio and nothing along Elizabeth St. The Elizabeth St windows are wide open.

I will delete the image.


Why would you delete the image? Point is, it’s there for safety. No one is critising your photo.


I really want to see this photo now!


Are the cameras manned for news bulletins? Or are they only for sunrise?

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From memory last time I had a peek there they had two people in the studio looking after all four cameras between them and running the bulletin.

Studio definitely wasn’t as crowded as it is during Sunrise.


Seven Melbourne to move studio locations