Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Agreed, someone had to say it. Rebecca Maddern was probably the best presenter at Seven News Melbourne before leaving as a result of Seven not taking her (proper talent) seriously.


Would you put Jennifer Keyte and Blake Johnson in this category ?


Now that I think about it maybe not Blake Johnson, forgot he was there. And Jenifer is definitely better than the the others.


Interesting that this topic has come up because I’ve been noticing more and more that the reporters in Melbourne seem to be dramatising their stories with inappropriate pauses, rather than just telling the story. These pauses happen far too often, in particular when it’s late in the story prior to the last few words. For example, last week one of the reporters was talking about how the public were ‘using the opportunity to take a photo (pause) with their phones’ (or words similar).The pause was unnecessary and came off as melodramatic. Unfortunately Jacqueline Felgate has a bad habit of doing this while she’s reading the news.

I agree that Rebecca Maddern was probably the best they had. I recall her working something like 13 days straight a few years ago, then not long after she left.


Must be something going on at 7 as the Perth reporters (as we’ve mentioned many times) also speak with ridiculous pacing and announciation.


Sydney arvo bulletin from Queensland?
Melbourne is getting its local news.
& Queensland is getting this bulletin too. Doubt it but something might be happening to Sydney’s set or just technical problems.


That is correct.

There have been several national bulletins coming out of Melbourne lately and now this afternoon news from Queensland?

What’s going on?


Along with the ones you mentioned, another possibility is that they might be in the process of filming bits for new Sydney news promos.

IIRC, there was one day in March 2016 that the Afternoon News moved to Melbourne so Seven could film bits for the “Mel McLaughlin joins Seven News Promos” from the Sydney set.


Although Perth has a horrible “set” it would be great for them to take over the Sydney afternoon news if there was difficulties. It could be a chance for Seven to further familiarise viewers with Basil Zempilas. Would be also interesting to see how they would configure the virtual set.

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No change in Sydney.


Please tell me how that can logically happen if Perth is always 2-3 hours behind Sydney and so Perth’s afternoon news would be airing when it is 6:00/7:00 in Sydney?

Well if you use some logic, you would know that if its 4PM in Sydney its 2PM in Perth where they can simulcast a specialised broadcast live to Sydney which is what I was referring to in the first place. And Perth continues to do there normal afternoon news.

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Interesting move. In all my time following Seven News I don’t believe I’ve seen a combined NSW/QLD bulletin presented from Brisbane!! But it sure is a nice change for once. At least Tony recognised this was an NSW/QLD bulletin including city and statewide forecasts for both QLD and NSW. And how long has this social media segment at the end of the news been going on for? It’s a bit ridiculous, I don’t believe it really needs to be there…

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Why on earth would Perth do this (pardon the rhyme)? I don’t see the point if Perth itself wouldn’t be seeing the bulletin and there are other studios around Australia (e.g. Melbourne/Brisbane as we’ve seen recently) that are more than capable of handling a bulletin with a professional look which we’ve seen Perth cannot the last few years. Plus these two places are at least in the same time zone as Sydney so they can air live in both the broadcast state and NSW.

If only that meant a new team member…

I understand that today was a once off. It was a personal reason, and many staff would not have been available to present, produce and report. It is why both the Morning and local Afternoon News was presented interstate.

The whole bulletin acknowledged it wasn’t just for Queensland with the use of the national backdrop, sport not presented in-front of the Brisbane panels and no 6pm preview.

Yeah, it is a Queensland thing. They have been doing it since the local bulletin launched.


Well since you have the tendency to be ludicrous and question everything on here which everyone says let me explain my post to you.
If Sydney wanted a personalised bulletin without it being a combined broadcast coming from Brisbane and/or Melbourne then Perth is a good option.

If we want to discuss a whole new topic as why Perth would present then let me ask you why Perth took over coverage during the Sydney siege, because in your own words there are other studios around the country more than capable. . . . .


My understanding is the Morning News (last time and today) and the Afternoon News today was shifted interstate to allow as many Martin Place newsroom staff and crew to attend the funerals of two 7 Sydney colleagues.


Don’t remember the Lindt siege?
They are capable and have the resources to do it. Just because they are behind in time zones doesn’t mean they can’t go out live lol. ABC news did their national afternoon bulletin from Perth, just calm down lol


I actually forgot about that. But still, that was as a complete last resort from my understanding and was during rolling news coverage for a major news event when Perth also saw Susannah presenting simultaneously with the rest of the country. Maybe Perth could be used in a similar way again if other major news events occurred but not for general morning/afternoon news.

I just don’t know if Perth would have the resources to do a full national bulletin. They struggle already just to be able to properly present a local bulletin. They would just be showing off to Sydney just how bad Perth’s set and presentation is compared to Sydney’s, embarrassing themselves really. Maybe it would be a good thing, make Sydneysiders more grateful for the excellent set they have on Seven News…