Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Will this new set and theme music (which I’m seriously expecting to be pulled off the air within the week…yet again) do anything positive to the ratings? Probably not.

Until the content and the presenter is changed (not to mention the graphics and ditching chroma-key weather, etc.), I think that Seven News should be quite comfortable with having the position of Sydney’s #2 news because the changes made tonight certainly won’t get them to #1.

What’s the bet Perth doesn’t have the new theme tonight. That Adelaide desk is terrible.


Finally somebody noticing us down here haha. Yes terrible desk we’ve got in little old Adelaide

I highly doubt that it will be pulled off the air. It’s still the mission and the viewers have gotten used to a new version of it on the promos. It still has the iconic tune and it’s nothing like what happened last time which was something with a complete different tune.

So far I rate it above the 2004-2016 version, it’s gone back much closer to the NBC version and what we had before 1999.


Agreed it’s definitely not like the last theme upgrade. It sounds like Seven News this time around. Whoever was behind the last theme probably lost their job lol. The one who came up with the newer one has probably been promoted or given a payrise haha. Well maybe not to that extreme haha

I’ve taken the liberty of composing a letter to Seven News on behalf of our disaffected members, who’ve been caught up in today’s traumatic events

Dear Craig McPherson,

Media Spy defines ‘RELAUNCH!’ as a change to set, theme, voiceover, anchor, content and graphics. If you only give us three of the six, you have earned - nay, deserved - the scorn of our members!

A few hundred teenagers with years of media experience.


Above shot


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Oh hail Ryan, our fearless Media Spy leader :stuck_out_tongue:



With some updated backdrops & graphics, I think I preferred the old 7 News Sydney set.

Haha, good one! (yes, I can take a joke…)

If you ask me, this new music sounds more like a movie score than a news theme! Yes, it has the same signature from The Mission…however sooner or later the average viewer at home is going to pick up on how overly dramatic it sounds for Seven News and that’s when management will have to backflip.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think this new theme music particularly works well with the suburban drive-by shootings and traffic pile-ups that dominate Seven News Sydney these days. It should’ve stayed as a promo theme IMO!


7 Local News in Queensland is using the new theme music tonight!

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As someone who lives in NQ, I don’t really know much about the Sydney news landscape.

But I watched the Live stream of 7 News and then 9 News from Sydney tonight when they were airing and I can definitely see why 9 News is more popular down there.

And also have the new VO. Live from our Brisbane headquarters - this is Seven News with Sharyn Ghidella and Bill McDonald

I have to say that Sydney set looks amazing. The colour scheme is sharp and very professional. Ferguson looks great as an anchor against that set and backdrop. The theme is great. Very ‘Mission’ Back to tradition and what the Mission should be. Graphics are the same unfortunately. I think in the near future they will change. I think Fergo needs to own his role more. Get rid of that shyness and own that studio (it’s something that can be learned) I disagree with removing him as anchor. He can do it.

Melbourne’s opener was great too.

Overall I have to disagree with most comments and say I think today’s change to Seven News was great

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Wasn’t too impressed when I heard the Brisbane opener. Theme doesn’t seem loud enough or the sound effects were too loud.


The new Melbourne opener (and theme) is great.

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Brisbane opener for what it’s worth

  • I don’t mind the set. Some elements could be changed. ( I do support the idea of a live background though)
  • Good to hear the old Mission theme return.
  • I would prefer the old voice over, but I’m sure we’ll get use to it.
  • Regarding the graphics, is it possible Seven didn’t implement them at the last minute for some reason? We might see them updated next week.
  • Melbourne will most likely update their set to mirror Sydney’s within the next 6 months. Interesting to see how they do their take on it.