Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

Even though Seven has made some misjudgements when it comes to connecting with the Sydney market in recent years (particularly from 2010 and after, at least from an on-air perspective), I’m not quite sure if I’d go as far as saying that Seven doesn’t really care about Sydney anymore.

But yeah, I definitely think Nine has a stronger local identity than Seven in Sydney. But at the same time, there are other major metropolitan markets where it can be said that Seven has a stronger local identity than Nine…


The horizontal version is being used tonight.


The countdown clock on Seven News for the Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony is for the start of their coverage, not the actual ceremony at 10PM AEDT…

They’ve been alternating between the rectangular and square box 7 News Exclusive bugs in Sydney tonight. If they’re going to use it, can they just pick one version and keep it consistent?

Is BTQ getting HSV news tonight?

Caps of the horiztonal and vertical bugs used tonight:

Closing ceremony countdown:


The vertical bug would look marginally better if they used the horizontal version of the 7 News logo, though it would also look better without it altogether.


Not that I saw.

Because the other one isn’t intrusive enough.

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Sydney’s afternoon news didn’t use the ‘First At 4’ card in it’s opener today.

The older and better ‘7 News Sport’ card was used before sport in Sydney’s afternoon news today too.

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Another version of the 7 News Sydney promo has now appeared


Nice to see that Melbourne is using the video wall for other uses rather than just for the weather


Sydney does a similar thing for certain stories with their weather wall, which is probably where Melbourne got the idea from…

I actually think that looks good, the typeface is a vast improvement!

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There is now a ‘7 News Exclusive’ transition graphic to go with the new ‘7 News Exclusive’ tags we’ve seen in the top left corner of certain reports recently. It was seen in the first report of Sydney’s news tonight:

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Relentless is such an odd word to add to this promo I feel. The word relentless has a lot of negative connotations. When I hear it I think annoying, intense, painful.


Accurate for that “reporter” that Seven sent to harass Salim.


I don’t encourage violence against the media but with all respect to Laura Banks she kind of brought that one on her self. She was like a fly that you’d try to swat away but it kept on coming back and she clearly thought it was entertaining running around like a young kid.


Laura Banks is perhaps my least favourite reporter at Seven News Sydney. She is just so annoying in general.

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A bit concerning this afternoon hearing Samantha Jolly and Amelia Broun on the Afternoon News calling the WA State Governor the Governor General… Don’t mean to sound picky but I’ve studied politics and there is a very major difference. In saying that though the person who wrote the auto cue script is at fault too.


Why am I not surprised. Just another reason why they should be kept away from the presenting roles :roll_eyes: