Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

It will be Samantha Jolly for sure. Makes sense.


What is with the obsession of Monika presenting 7 News?


I think it’s more to do with the fact that @Mitchell_Nock doesn’t really like Sam Jolly as a presenter (I beg to differ, she’s great).


Give me Sam over Monica any day


She deserves much more than to be presenting what is considered throughout much of Australia as an outdated show that’s why. I see her talents as being wasted on TT and think she would be much better in a news presenting role and the 4PM news is ideal for that. Plus I want Seven Perth to copy Adelaide here and have their TT presenter present the 4PM news too. It’s a good idea that Adelaide came up with so their TT presenter can be doing something else. BTW you are right @Tom_TV7, I don’t really like Sam Jolly much as a presenter at all, she should have stuck to reporting in my honest opinion.


See i’m the exact opposite. I cannot stand Monika. She just seems so robotic. TT is so much better when Tina Alteri fills in. If TT ever ends, hopefully monika will disappear. Sam Jolly is a good newsreader and is fine for the 4pm news.


Yeah alright, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion about Monika. I’m only making this suggestion because it’s what Adelaide are doing, using their TT presenter to present their new 4PM news starting next week. On that note, for the people that know Rosanna from TT Adelaide, who is the better presenter, Rosanna or Monika and what do people think of Paul Makin when he fills in for Rosanna as he currently is now?


I do find that there is something odd or different about him too, I don’t know if smug is the right way to describe it though.

Why does what happens in Adelaide have to happen in Perth? 7 Perth has far more suitable up and coming presenters than Monika. Unfortunately she is tarnished by the TT brand now and won’t fit with ‘News’.

Anyway back to the presentation and content of the news.
I’ve noticed melbourne seem to be doing more wide shots with the OTS backdrops for stories. Looks heaps better than the one plasma tight frame. Gives depth and is more polished looking.

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So are you saying that Rosanna won’t fit with ‘News’ when she starts on Monday. I personally think she is a great presenter and isn’t tarnished at all. As a result, the same should be able to be said about the situation in Perth and with Monika.

I have no opinion on Adelaide as I live in Perth.

We will have to agree to disagree on Monika.

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I understand that but I am just trying to make comparisons because Perth and Adelaide are the only two cities left with TT still alright.

Adelaide is a bit of a strange situation, at least in my view. TT isn’t really seen as the same level of trashiness that ACA is, or east coast TT ever was. And this is somewhat earned, they do a lot government and crime investigation stories among the washing powder ads. So Rosanna’s brand isn’t ‘tarnished’ in that respect, or at all. I am surprised they gave it to Rosanna though, and not Jessica 3 days, and a younger reporter the other 2. Does this suggest Rosanna is next in line for 6pm?


I have to say that if I was to choose which TT was better between the two remaining ones I would have to say Adelaide’s TT by a long way. I love their standing presentation and how they make use of the same set as their Seven News, moving the desk out of the way after their first story. I also like how they do a small preview of what is coming up in the show at the start when Perth’s one just goes straight into the first story. Plus I like how they structure their news hour in Adelaide so there is more ads in TT than the news, 3 as compared to 2 so it effectively allows for more news content and less of TT however in Perth it is the opposite so it feels like more TT and less news. And back to what @Troiboi was saying, I should have also mentioned that Monika has much, much more experience than Perth’s younger reporters/presenters which is just another reason why I like seeing her presenting as much as possible.


With today’s semi-national edition of Seven’s Afternoon News likely being the last in this format, I figured that it was worth taking some snapshots:

If any changes are made to the edition of Seven Afternoon News we’ll get here in Sydney on Monday, I’ll keep you updated! :wink:


I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this again though. It certainly won’t be the last time we see a bulletin like this though even though all the afternoon news’ from next week will be localised.


Perfect timing to move Mark Ferguson to Sydney’s 7 news at 4!


What is 7 Brisbane’s Paul Burt wearing tonight? Very strange, brown leather looking jacket.

If anyone has video to upload of his crosses, would be amusing.

Lighting is doing him no favours, twinkling lights from behind give an illusion of a sparkling earring. Not quite the outdoorsy fisherman image they were hoping for.


Something even better… Can he be moved to 7 News at 3am?