Seven News Content and Appearance (2015-2020)

As in a new version of the theme with the signature of “The Mission” or a completely new theme entirely?

If they do change the music, I just hope it’s something that suits the content of the bulletin (because lets face it, that’s the one thing that most likely won’t change). Using the current NBC version of “The Mission” while Mark Ferguson’s Opening the 6pm news with headlines such as Western suburbs drive-by shootings and a massive pile-up on the M5? Yeah…I can’t see something like that working.

I don’t think that the NBC O&O station intro’s are the best fit for 7 News, but it does show how the theme can be tweaked for the localised, over hyped bulletins that our capital city bulletins have become on all commercial networks.

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Definitely an updated Mission theme, the bed as well as the signature. They need a few variations though not just one theme. They need a News update version, a ‘break’ version during the bulletin and an end bulletin version. All similar with different effects.

In the new upcoming theme update (likely) Seven will definitely keep they Mission. Just look what they’re doing. They’re constantly feeding it to viewers in all the new promos. I’m sure It’s a way Seven is preparing viewers for a new version Mission rather than just a totally new sound one day by surprise. They saw how that theme update in 2014 came from nowhere and with much issue. (Mind you it was nothing Mission related so that was the first mistake) So They’re probably warming viewers to a new sound with these promos. It makes sense.

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I do like that theme, but it would be mistake for Seven to take that one on. It’s far too ‘American sounding’ and it’s also very far from the Mission sound.

so many different looks and styles from a network of O&O’s…

In Australia or in the US? In the US, the look of an O&O’s news operations varies greatly. That’s partially because each network is allowed only 5 (maybe 10) O&Os, and each of those are located in big markets (NY,C Chicago, LA, etc), so there’s fierce competition between the rival local news bulletins, and they’re always trying to stay one step ahead of each other.

I think Fox, out of all four networks, keeps the tightest lid on look and design.

In Australia or in the US? In the US, the look of an O&O’s news operations varies greatly. That’s partially because each network is allowed only 5 (maybe 10) O&Os, and each of those are located in big markets (NY,C Chicago, LA, etc), so there’s fierce competition between the rival local news bulletins, and they’re always trying to stay one step ahead of each other.

I think Fox, out of all four networks, keeps the tightest lid on look and design.

NBC has 10 O&Os in the US, CBS 21, ABC 6 and Fox 21.

I live in the US and I can tell you between cities there are huge differences for the reason you state above. Each station and market has a different news director and GM, and different things work own different markets. Miami is aVERY flashy market. Maybe one market has a theme that they have used 20 years. Some may or may not have technology to construct opens a certain way. Some news directors like Voiceoverm some prefer music. It’s up to each news director who is presumed to know their market better than corporate headquarters. So even though NBCs 10 O&Os have very similar graphics, music etc - there are also huge differences - and sets are almost always different. Some use like shots, other street scapes - others use glass and steal. In Seattle the market loves wood tones.

Fox varies massively between it’s 20 odd markets too - there is no uniform open. Some are long, some are short. But yes they all use similar GFX and music.

Yes, I’m a US resident too. And I notice the differences when I travel. Clearly some markets have a larger budget. Here in NYC there’s plenty of windows and vistas, for obvious reasons.

Maybe we can take this conversation off to another thread before the ban hammer comes down on us.

Anyways, to bring this conversation back to Seven. I kinda like the fact that their bulletins in different cities have different looks. Sure, some of the sets look crap, but the fact that everything isn’t homogenised and there’s still a semblance of local control in this network age is something I cherish.

Even the fact TT still exists in Adelaide and Perth shows that there’s still one or two flames of localism left in the Australian TV landscape.

Morning News presented from Melbourne today.

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I’m assuming Melbourne will eventually update their set within the next 6 months, to mirror Sydney’s.


Would it be safe to presume that the news relaunch will happen at 6pm with Morning/Afternoon News being presented from Melbourne with the current/old look on Monday?

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Melbourne has their own afternoon bulletin so Sydney/National would have to come from the green screen.

I still think the best option would be to launch at 6pm on Sunday before the tennis then roll out the rest of the changes during the day on Feb 1. It would be a shame to cross to the dreary old set in Melbourne or a green screen for the news after showing off fresh new looks for Sunrise/TMS/TDE.


I must admit that I forgot about the local Afternoon News for Melbourne.

That’s another thing though, is there any logical reason as to why Seven (or Nine for that matter) doesn’t produce a local afternoon bulletin for Sydney?

Seven News Perth will be doing a special edition from the grand opening of Elizabeth Quay with Rick Ardon tonight.

##seven News Investigates: Anita Cobby

Monday 8 February at 9.00pm


It was the crime that outraged Australia.

Now, in a powerful special investigation on the 30th anniversary of Anita Cobby’s death, her forgotten husband - once the prime suspect in her murder - gives his first television interview.

Gold Walkley Award-winning journalist Steve Pennells will reveal astonishing facts about the case, and we hear the explosive confessions of the killers.

Note start time is “After MKR” so may be slightly later than advertised :wink:

Promo caps

Are these sorts of Seven News Specials going to become something of a tradition for the first Sunday night of each ratings year?

That’s another thing though, is there any logical reason as to why Seven (or Nine for that matter) doesn’t produce a local afternoon bulletin for Sydney?

I guess it’s because the Sydney newsrooms for 9 and 7 are both producing the national editions of the Afternoon News

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Do we know if a new look Seven News will appear on Monday? I know Seven News Sydney will have a new desk but with 7’s track record that doesn’t mean a relaunch.

Has there been confirmation of a new look 7 for Monday?

There’s definitely going to be a new set (not just the desk, the whole thing), because the old one has been pulled out.


I’m more thinking about the presentation, graphics and dare I say it…theme. Any confirmation with insiders on that?

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