Then there’s the promos. Recently, Sydney’s “Special Report” promos have been voiced mainly by Nicholas McKay except for the “Australia’s #1” addition at the end from that older "Live from our (city) headquarters voiceover guy who’s name I still don’t know.
And yes, I agree that the desk looks better with the white lighting.
Seven News has turned into what Ten News was, with completely different sets across Australia.
I don’t like sets that are too fancy and lit up (i.e.) new ones in Perth & Sydney.
But am also not thrilled with the one in Melbourne (which does look more professional & neater).
I wish they could bring back sets nationally from the 2005-2011 period, with the interior set facade, the desk with a screen & the chroma key or large screen behind (with the BCM master control projected for national bulletins), it also has the “7” logo above on the wall.
But really, who cares about the sets, it’s not why people tune in, nor is the presenter to a lesser extent.
It’s about 1) getting the news from 2) who you think is the ‘best’ (most trusted, respected, professional, talented, likable, etc) news service.
And everyone is different. Some watch Ch 10 @ 5pm, others wait until ABC @ 7pm. Majority chose either Ch 7 or Ch 9 @ 6pm (either loyal or swinging viewer)
From that, I think it clearly says that The Chase is what is benefitting Seven News in both Sydney and Melbourne. The difference between Thursday and Friday, for example, is those viewers watching The Chase until the end, prefer to stick around an watch Michael Usher than they do Mark Ferguson.
Seven aired a promo for Michael when he was due to start. It had footage from Nine, so Nine asked to have it removed. Seven rectified it and alas, new promo for Michael Usher.
On a side note, are you scared that your beloved Mark Ferguson could be shown the door in favour of his former Nine colleague?
Does anyone think Seven News Queensland or anywhere SHOULD use the ‘sad’ theme tonight for the opener of the news, which will undoubtedly have the Dreamworld tragedy as the top story (the same theme used in the Sydney Siege opener and the Death of Phillip Hughes)?