Seven HD

Being in an overlap area, I prefer that the regional stations didn’t change – now I get both 7HD and 7mate HD. Though if you could only get the regional stations, you probably wouldn’t feel the same.

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So apart from a limited number of people who might look at sites like Media Spy how will anyone know about the switch? Were there promos?

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The watermark has changed now.




Melbourne’s 7HD [LCN 70 Melb] has gone out of whack! :confused:

Friday night AFL telecast finished ~40min ago…

We’re getting a repeat of “Off The Record” (not “Dynamo”).

With the EPG saying it’s a different program “CBGB” [movie] (MA15+).

Including a first look at Ch 7’s “Sponsor Billboards” for the Olympics with John Deeks.

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Let me just clarify @TV.Cynic there is currently NO high definition in regional Australia?

So begs the question why 7Mate in regional QLD had the old “Live & Free HD” :unamused:

7 Mate is in HD in Prime areas and in 7QLD areas just like it used to be in Melbourne before 7HD started.


Regional Queenslanders get:

7 in SD
7TWO in SD
7mate in HD
7flix in SD

The five capitals currently get:

7 in SD
7 in HD
7TWO in SD
7mate in SD
7flix in SD

Swapping 7 and 7mate in regional Queensland would probably be quite a bit more complex than flicking the switch on the 7HD feed.

@killy06 - no, 7mate is currently SD in the five capitals.

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I was confused by your post above which originally said 7mate was still HD.

Thanks for clarifying.

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Damn, Perth still with 7mate HD! Hopefully the switch flips for us too. The EPG does say 7HD Perth though, so possibly a sign?

Yep, sorry typo!

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Melbourne no longer gets 7Mate in HD …

No. At least not in Melbourne…

LCN 7: 7 Melbourne

LCN 70: 7HD Melbourne

LCN 71: 7 Melbourne

LCN 72: 7TWO Melbourne

LCN 73: 7Mate Melbourne

LCN 76: 7Flix Melbourne

Seven HD in Perth is all systems go. :+1:


It would have been no more complex than when the 7HD/7MateHD split started up in the metro areas.
Whereby they swapped 70 to 7HD in MPEG4 and 73 switched down to SD.

Just tuned into 7 for the opening ceremony.
We’ve got Home Shopping currently showing in lovely HD quality on 7mate on 73 while the opening ceremony goes out in dull SD quality on 70. What a joke!


HD is looking good. I know they won’t keep it that way but really the main channel should always be in HD.

I can’t see your images?


HD beautiful in Perth


Southern Cross TV in Darwin only showing the Opening Ceremony in SD on the main channel, while on 7mate the home shopping channel is showing in HD. Talk about messed up priorities.

I thought for a while that SCTV were trying to make the switch last night, when just before 11pm they switched mid program to Dynamo (?) which was showing on 7mate, before switching back after a couple of minutes to standard channel programming as if nothing happened.

I still cannot believe that in 2016 a broadcaster would choose to show the largest sporting event in the world in SD.


Same, all blank for me too

Yeah, it’s ridiculous! You’d think the affiliates would at least show the Opening ceremony in HD on 7mate, but clearly not.

I think it’s even more ridiculous that 7 aren’t showing it in HD in some of their O&O markets.