By my interpretation you should be meeting all the requirements with your RSPCA volunteer work.
If it’s your DES or Workforce Australia provider that’s still pushing you to look for work it’s likely because they’re trying to get you into something that pays for them (if they place you into paid work they get paid when you hit the 4 week, 13 week, 26 week and 52 week milestones, in the DES program at least).
Far too many times I’ve seen someone put into a position by their provider that was not suitable for them and for it to result in a further deterioration in their health. Unfortunately in pursuit of the outcome money the jobseeker is often the one who gets hurt.
If Centrelink is happy with your volunteer work you might be able to exit from DES/Workforce Australia altogether as an “independent worker” (not sure if that applies to volunteer work though but I don’t see why it shouldn’t) which would mean no more job search requirement as long as you’re still working/volunteering.
I’m temporarily excused from seeing an employment provider as I’m doing volunteer work. I had someone from the volunteer office at the RSPCA fill out and sign the form that I had to hand in to a Centrelink office and I did that months ago. I know there’s other volunteers at the RSPCA who are around my age who’ve agreed to do volunteer work for 30 hours per fortnight. If you do that you are considered as meeting your obligations.The only reason that they still think I have to apply for jobs is that I don’t always do 30 hours per fortnight. I need to work 4 4 hour shifts there every week and some weeks I haven’t.
That has happened to me when I was referred to a cafe in a shopping centre for an unpaid trial.As I’ve never worked in a cafe/fast food restaurant at all this was obviously not the right job for me of course I had no idea how to cut vegetables properly or they were worried that I might cut myself with the sharp knife I had to use
That would definitely make sense. It’s only when it’s consistently over 30 hours a fortnight that the job search requirement no longer applies.
That would have been very stressful, the job placement industry does itself no favours when it puts people into positions that are not a good fit for them.
Wishing you all the best with your RSPCA volunteering, hope it all continues to work out and you get that extra bit of consistency to be able to get the job search requirement waived (and not have the added stress that comes with that).
I have to not get upset by the emails I get sent after I’ve applied for jobs on SEEK,’your application is unlikely to progress further’They should tell me straight up I’m too old.
after my crap year theres been a little joy. I won $700 off smooth fm from there christmas Wishlist promo. once it hits my bank (can take 30 days) me and the wife are going for a kid free night out at Gambaro Seafood restaurant
we have not had the chance for a good night out since the cancer diagnosis so i’m looking forward to this one
Weird for me to be posting off Broadway, much less the random thread - but I didn’t exactly want to derail the ARN/SCA acquisition thread after the “am I a furry” quip there, by replying there…
pardon if response is a touch anxious - and given I never know the context of the question (as I don’t know what assumptions people have… they could be positive, but they could be seeing as weirdos or worse, so I default to the defensive ), I’ll just leave it as:
1/ “Yes but barely” - not exactly ashamed to use an avatar of a character I created (at least, it stops me from having a blank avatar here), but it’s basically just that; but also
2/ how did it take almost 1,000 posts of mine on Media Spy (and probably 800 of using the avatar) for it to even come up? I would have expected being accused of it a lot earlier.
Do have plenty of deep interests, that said - one of which being what sees me lurk on MSpy and the last thing I worry about is myself being chased off here for being slightly weirder than a Seven or Nine fanboy. That’s all.
Ahh so Melbourne trip all organised . Staying in Flinders lane . Practically close to everything. Will most likely take it easy when I arrive on Boxing Day afternoon.
Further information on my Armidale trip, I am having an excellent time with my uncle Rod in his home tonight. Yesterday and today, I drove past the studio belonging to the 2AD and FM100.3 radio stations in the city, owned by the Super Radio Network.
And a reminder this is a Christian nation, so please RESPECT OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS. If you don’t celebrate it, keep it quiet and leave the rest of us to!!
I’ve increased the volunteer shifts I work at the RSPCA this month,so hopefully I’m not required to show evidence to Workforce Australia/Centrelink that I’ve looked for work
If I’m still am required to submit my report showing evidence of my job search I’m going to ask why,I’ll say I’ll do the 30 hours per fortnight from now on .Its a waste of my time and recruiters who have to look at all these applications,from people who are not suitable,or no longer young and fit,can lift 20 kgs,etc.
The whole system is a joke ,anyone who’s done manual work all their working lives, blue collar unskilled workers like I was, and tradies, can’t be expected to work until they’re 67 to qualify for aged pension