Random Thread

I ask an AI what it thought would be the top ten largest cities in Australia in 10 years from now, and lets just say, looks like Sydney and Melbourne are done :rofl:
Hereā€™s what the AI said the 10 largest cities in Australia would be:

  1. Brisbane (3.1 million) [projected growth rate of 2% per year]
  2. Perth (2.6 million) [projected growth rate of 1.8% per year]
  3. Adelaide (1.7 million) [projected growth rate of 1% per year]
  4. Gold Coast (900,000) [projected growth rate of 2.5% per year]
  5. Canberra (600,000) [projected growth rate of 2.8% per year]
  6. Newcastle (600,000) [projected growth rate of 1.6% per year]
  7. Sunshine Coast (500,000) [projected growth rate of 3% per year]
  8. Central Coast (400,000) [projected growth rate of 1.6% per year]
  9. Geelong (350,000) [projected growth rate of 2% per year]
  10. Wollongong (350,000) [projected growth rate of 1.8% per year]

Just a reminder about todayā€™s eclipse.


Itā€™s raining and overcast here anyway (Newcastle) so not much chance here!

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Live - totality now


I was really suprised to get an offer to study at Murdoch University in Semester 2 of 2024. I only applied for the 3 courses that i picked as my top 3, and got a letter of offer via email and text about 2 days ago lol.

UWA is still assesing my application as is Curtin.

I have accepted my offer at Murdoch but I will be interested to see what offer if anything I get from UWA. Beaut thing is that Murdoch are really understanding about how i may have to go to the uni that is closer, I donā€™t drive, so its about an hour and a bit from where I live.
Nonetheless, exciting times.


Congratulations my friend! Well done and whoever you end up going with will be lucky to have you!

What are you studying?


Thank you mate i drcided to study bachelor of sport science and exercise i think it might be a good fit and motivation to understand the mechanics ofexercise and physiology of the human body as i begin my weight loss journey when i return from Melbourne when i go there for holiday in a few weeks. :smiley::grinning::grinning:


While weā€™re on the topic of illnesses - they say things strike in threesā€¦

Strike 1 - pancreatitis and mild heart attack prior to school holidays. Spent a week in hospital where 3 teams were looking after me and none of them were communicating with each other.
Strike 2 - ongoing toothache, will either need a root canal or the removal of the tooth.
Strike 3 - stabbed myself in my writing hand whilst chopping up food. Enough blood gushed everywhere to make my house look like a crime scene. Fixed with with stitches but canā€™t drive long distances, get it wet or do anything strenuous.


Oh my, thatā€™s a list.


I agree with that! No more strikes! Hope youā€™re on the mend and feeling better ElCapitan!

I do hate working at the airport health wise, seems like Iā€™m picking up something every month or two at least. No matter how many times I keep my hygiene levels up, washing hands etc.


Geez man!!!

Take care!!!


Having my first eye done next week,second eye week after. I do need cataract surgery after all ,having it done at a private hospital so I donā€™t have a long wait.Iā€™ve also had to have a tooth fixed,root canal treatment and Iā€™ll need 2 crowns as well. Iā€™m already missing 2 teeth,canā€™t lose anymore .My fault because I didnā€™t visit a dentist for 3 years :confused:,the main reason being the cost.Itā€™s easier to get all this done while Iā€™m still not working,. I do want to work again,but until I can find a suitable job Iā€ll continue with my volunteer work so I donā€™t feel guilty about not working. I still do even though Iā€™ve worked for 39 years altogether.Iā€™m going to do a few hours at Foodbank also as itā€™s close to home Iā€™ve done a trial shift there ,just need to do the police check for and Iā€™ll do more hours for them after my cataract surgery


am now back in perth. loved my holiday. will miss you very much melbourne, hopefully i can come back soon


Forgot to add, Iā€™ve not long had eye surgery too. I had some gunk on the ete after some laser treatment.

Yeah, karma sucks.


Eye thunk da gunk is steel theyā€™re :rofl:

But seriously, i hope your run of bad luck is now gone.

I feel like Iā€™ve been lucky after reading all of this, Iā€™ve never had anything worse in the last 10 years than acid reflux and getting a couple of skin cancers and a benign cyst removed.

But now that Iā€™m on the wrong side of 50, Iā€™m waiting for limbs to start falling off and having to buy old people things like mobility scooters and retirement homes.


Iā€™ve just celebrated my 60th birthday not long ago.Iā€™ve been lucky health wise,my main problem is my mental health,depression and anxiety.Also arthritis in both knees,occasional pain in lower back.going up stairs is much harder than it was 10 years ago but I manage ok,I have to go upstairs at my unit complex as Iā€™m on the top floor.Mentally I still feel about 25-30.
I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m old enough to permanently retire.I only want to work about 20-25 hours a week moving forward .
I need to find employment soon so I can add to my superannuation account,Iā€™m using some now for my eye surgery,dental work,it wont last forever


Iā€™m not vain about my looks but if the cataract surgery is successful (it will be)Iā€™ll be thankful not to need glasses for distance, I wonā€™t need to wear them all the time or for driving and watching TV. I donā€™t mind still needing to wear them for reading a book , phone or iPad screen


Youā€™d love my detentions. Youā€™ll be writing a 1000 essay on why the Dragons and Sharks should merge. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Iā€™ll take that as a complementā€¦I guess? :rofl:

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My reply would only be 5 words long


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Youā€™re going to write 1000 words. :rofl: