Actually they’ve been allowed to transmit at 10kW for years, day/night switching for them was going to be used back before 2CH was offloaded & became SEN, but it never happened.
I’m pretty sure 2GB can go to 10kW too, they have been using day/night switching for years but only to 8kW, I think 2KY can do day/night switching to 10kW as well but they don’t use it & only run at 5kW full time.
I think 2UE are going to ask for 10kW day/night switching, doubt 2SM will, but I think they might be able to if they ask?
2KY, 2GB & 2CH (SEN) all have 12kW transmitters at Homebush Bay so they can all easily do the day/night switching to 10kW.
When the 2KY site was rebuilt for 2GB to move in the antenna system was designed & built so all 3 of those services on the antenna could run at 10kW with head room to spare.
2SM & 2UE only have 10kW transmitters though & I’m not sure the antenna system at that site can handle both of them transmitting at 10kW each, without a bit of work being done to accommodate it.
2CH (SEN) 1170 haven’t shared the transmission site with SBS 1107 for probably 15 maybe 20 years, John Singleton had an argument with Broadcast Australia over site costs IIRC, so they moved out to join 2KY on the other side of Homebush Bay (Olympic Park), 2GB joined them at the 2KY site years ago, probably 10 years now, times slipping away fast.
2UE joined 2SM before the 2000 Olympics, they demolished the old 2UE site to build the Olympic Swimming Centre. According to the sign on the wall inside the 2UE room, 2UE first went to air from the 2SM site on 24th May 1992.
@gordo92 would be well accustomed to the 2SM site, but don’t know if he ever saw inside the 2UE room, he probably hasn’t visited the 2KY/2GB/2CH site?
2SM/2UE is an oldskool AM site, 2KY site is modern AM site & both are way different beasts to FM/DTV/DAB sites, I love being out at the Homebush Bay AM sites, I feel at home there, personally I’d rather be based there than at Artarmon.