Nine (WIN)

In 1989, the Canberra Times had its entire TV Guide magazine devoted to aggregation, it detailed where the programmes went to, how to receive the new stations on UHF, and Prime, WIN and Capital had advertising showcasing its programmes and mentioning their positions on the dial, also the phone number of the UHF reception hotline 008 077 361. SBS also mentioned this hotline in its advertising for those who cannot receive them on UHF.


I’m sure over time people will understand.

Yep, same here in Central QLD where I am now too, despite there not actually being any local news on WIN here.

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New sponsor billboard looks pretty good.


Using the WIN logo similarly to how Ten use that numeric ‘10’ by the look of that.


[quote=“NQCQTV2, post:2198, topic:55, full:true”]Apparently it is. I have not found a single person who understands what’s happened, not one.
The advertising campaign obviously was not thorough enough for people to understand.
[/quote]Maybe some people needed a year-long campaign to fully understand the changes occurring. You know what, that still probably wouldn’t be long enough. :wink::yum:

[quote=“WAtvVideos, post:2205, topic:55, full:true”]
New sponsor billboard looks pretty good[/quote]Looks good by WIN’s standards. Like how they have included their modified logo on it.


What’s modified on the logo? Looks same as before?

[quote=“TelevisionAU, post:2208, topic:55, full:true”]What’s modified on the logo? Looks same as before?[/quote]My mistake. The quick look I had earlier I thought it was the darker blue version they’re using here and there. :blush:

More inconsistencies it seems.


[quote=“Abesty, post:2186, topic:55, full:true”]
Sport coverup[/quote]

[quote=“WAtvVideos, post:2187, topic:55, full:true”]
So it begins…[/quote]I do wonder, why are WIN not using the newer shiny dark blue logo that Ten have been using since they launched TenHD on their PRG and coverups?

[quote=“Alista, post:2171, topic:55, full:true”]

The funny thing is The Examiner still has Gem and Go listed with programs… and on the wrong lcn’s too.[/quote]Everything has been correctly updated in The Mercury since Friday. And they have added TDT’s new logo to the guide as of yesterday also. Typical of The Examiner. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Has WIN aired no lineups yet??

I don’t think that Ten themselves even air Lineups (or at least rarely do) anymore from what I’ve seen!

I think you’ll find they do. I’ve recorded 3 over the last week.


Another channel change promo

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/8/8bc3ed8a4e3cbbcdcac06a8cf9fc6ec67177206c.jpg" width=“300” height=><img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/0/098b21cfd32ffe3a2ec66b32bdc1d5cf86de3d79.jpg" width=“300” height=><img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/7/7cae826ac5806d169bf2d857ab510be8351db33b.jpg" width=“300” height=><img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/c/cd68bb53d066ec70d156b6a757d429f34b9704ad.jpg" width=“300” height=><img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/0/050fde3a10d5594a8de3a99137e4de32266d2c0b.jpg" width=“300” height=>


Watching some episodes of Raymond this arvo. I can’t believe these SD channels pass as actual channels. How can WIN output such shit quality SD? They’ve gained space by getting rid of Nine, yet their SD channels have never looked so bad. Comparing it with a recording of Eleven I made on the 30th and they are most definitely worse now. Even though the Ten West channels were already worse than Ten Central/SCA’s versions.

Whoever is running the “WIN side” of MediaHub doesn’t have a fucking clue.


Yeah I agree, I always thought mediahub was leading tech in broadcast encoding TV being one of the newest centres but something is in their chain - possibly the end encoders that certainly have proven to get the worst SD images possible. Since we now know that nine’s feeds to SCA are quite sharp we know it wasnt likely to be the source programming coming from the nine or ten network into mediahub.


Although it must be said that the ABC’s channels are also played out from MediaHub and those have quite possibly the best SD quality of any Australian network!


Yeah that is true,did WIN bring their old mpeg encoders in from their old regions or something into mediahub. Something bad is going on, WIN has always been the worst SD in Tasmania and that continues with TEN SD programming. WIN/11/ONE look pretty bad compared to TDT broadcasts of those channels.

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I know! The facility can output brilliant SD. Which leads me and I’m sure many on here to believe someone makes a decision to alter the SD channels for whatever reason. Less bandwidth?

One of the key differences since 1 July is the commercials now look just as bad. Whereas before, the commercials looked fine while the actual programming and/or dirty promos looked bad.


7flix is also played out of MediaHub, and it looks better than WIN One and WIN Eleven, I think.


We’ll win won’t be happy… That fucktard Bailey was just carrying on about Wollongong being the headquarters for prime and that we have a new arrangement with prime. The idiot doesn’t even know it’s win!