Nine (Southern Cross)

Yes it might actually be nice to take the news “on location” sometimes.

Like 10 Wagga Wagga could read the news from the local Botanical Gardens or different parts of the viewing area. Connects to the audience the updates are actually local.


We’ve got a TV room in our SCA office with a green screen, so it can be done and look fine without being spectacular.


SCA9’s Illawarra updates didn’t look too bad on location during COVID NSW lockdown. Sometimes they did it from a balcony overlooking Mt Keira and other times it was done from the forecourt of the Wollongong University Innovation Campus from which they operate out of.


Well…they can’t do worse than buying one of these:

and yes, I’d love one of these to piss about with. :stuck_out_tongue:


Could just insert a pre-recorded local window into 10 News at 6pm. Would fit with the style of 10s bulletins at the moment.

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Agreed, but something I’d only expect 10 to do if they O&O the stations down the line. No chance under SCA ownership unless they pay 10 to cover their local news obligations.


Save for any after 9pm, which would be past his bedtime.


SCA could “pay” Ten to do this, possibly at ADS or TVQ. The costs would need to be compelling for CBS to even consider this, but reopening one of the 10 studios to produce news updates for 5-ish million plus either Bris/Adl could be viable.


9Rush Channel 96 promo for Alaskan Bush People just aired on Nine Southern Cross. Does that happen often?


Having a 2-3 minute news / weather insert for the 14 local cities SCA serves to play in a dedicated carved out position in 10 News at 5
and again in 10 News at 6 would be a fantastic outcome.

If SCA and 10 could work together on that it would be great.

10’s 5 bulletins could go to a window where the bulletins play 1-2 hyper local stories for their main markets while SCA stations break away and play a “10 News Local” insert. At say 5.10 and 6.10pm

The marketing could be

“10 News Local” at 5.10 and 6.10. On 10”


That seems the logical decision - I imagine though 10 will want SCA to produce the content considering they’ve scaled back their own news production so much. Should be easy enough for 10 to work their running order to enable it.


I think noodle updates produced by the SCA radio team is probably more likely. They are even doing daily regional news on the new LiSTNR app so don’t rule out SCA completely from doing their own news again.


Sadly enough, I think you’re right. I just dream of SCA considering viewers for once - but not likely.


Sounds very intricate. I for one would support the Nine Darwin COVID solution of airing an extended update through one or two ad breaks during 10 News at 5 (and likely repeating it in 10 News at 6, can’t imagine them making a new one). Same effect as carving out a dedicated slot inside the bulletin itself, but much much easier to manage.

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Displacing commercial time across 5 million people annually for 4 minutes every day would cost hundreds of thousands in lost revenue - yet somehow it’s likely the option SCA will choose

Just produce a bulletin. God.

There is no difference logistically to have local opt-outs with stories during 10 News First compared to a bulletin. SCA went down the Nine News Local path for a reason.

They’d generally be replacing network Ten News First updates and station promos, and can brand the updates with a sponsor title card, and would likely do a sponsored weather section.

Can easily structure both the timing and the format to have no real loss of ad time.

A lot of the time the news updates on SC10 would air in the daytime, minimising those effects.

You’re right. Although displacing promos also has a cost.

Local News would be seen by more people and more beneficial to the audience if they ran the updates in content that already has an audience pre disposed to news content such as 10 News at 5 and The Project and were able to promote and market it

“10 News Local. Weeknights during 10 News First and The Project”

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Agree with you. Pre taping, scheduling and playing out 80 odd updates across the network would take considerable logistics and effort and they must be in a studio for endless hours.

Doing a live bulletin at 6 network wide (SCA) with inserts would seem to be just as easy.

But SCA obviously has reasons not to

But for that SCA would need to hire journos to create the stories that go to air, plus other operational staff that are needed to put a bulletin together. The reason they’ve gone to noodle updates for the past two decades is because they’re easy. They don’t need dedicated journos filing stories, they can use their news-gathering resources from radio (heck you can even do rip-and-reads from the local newspaper à la WIN SA) and put together short studio-read pieces for make however many short update-style products they need.

To make something even as peeled back as the local ad break updates that Nine made for SCA in place of bulletins during COVID, which still had filed stories, requires resources that SCA hasn’t wanted to invest in for decades. I can’t see them putting money in to make even a statewide bulletin like the current Nine News Local.