Nine (Southern Cross)

iirc, way back there was a handful of weeks where SC television simulcast the SC radio breakfast show in a couple of areas. If Ten is still not going to bother with a breakfast program I’d prefer SC, if it’s possible, to fill the local content quota in some areas with a Hit or Triple M simulcast, which would include local news, rather than all areas going back to those uninspiring news updates. Just a thought.


Is it possible they could do a deal with SKY News??

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They could after August assuming WIN doesn’t re-sign, however I think they shouldn’t associate themselves with Sky.


Remember business and ethics don’t always mix - there’s clearly some support for the SNOW channel with the shares it seems to bring in and if it brings in money then they’d have to look at it to keep staff employed and keep the business going.

It will of course need a rename, I propose Sky News On Ten - or SNOT.
I’d also settle for Sky’s Hacks In Television.


:joy: :raised_hands:


I know 10 aren’t currently resourced to do this and news obviously has not been a big priority for them, but surely one of the best options for SCA would be to pay 10 to produce their required news updates or a statewide local bulletin.

You would think it’s easier for 10 to scale up their news output if it’s part of the affiliate agreement, rather than SCA starting from scratch effectively to start producing these again even though they already have news output in Tasmania currently.

It could also benefit 10 as well, with additional content for their own bulletins or social channels.

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Would make the most sense in my view for SCA to tie it into their radio news operations. I’m not sure how much local news they include in their updates right now, so perhaps they’d need to hire a few extra staff to bump that up enough to fill the quotas, which would benefit both their radio and TV.

Then just send scripts down to Tasmania to record the bulletins themselves. Ideally utilising Peter Murphy to do better actual weather reports than we got from the last SCA produced bulletins.

The TDT updates are quite good for what they are - hopefully they could do that for Ten.


God, weren’t they pathetic news updates.


No. Why would they?

SCA also have their Hit & Triple M Networks on Radio as a Majority for Local News leaving SC10 from July a Minority.

They were more than happy to dump one of regional televisions strongest brands without a blink of an eye in TNT9/Southern Cross Network/Southern Cross Television Tasmania.

So I can’t see SC10 making a return…


Is it possible that CBS, the owner of network 10 could buy TV stations in regional Queensland, southern NSW / ACT and regional Victoria from southern cross?

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Anything is possible.

Is it realistic? No. Why would they?


What would happen if SCA cannot secure any kind deal with Network 10?
How would regional viewers view 10 Content via Over the air?

it’s in both of their interests to come to a deal. Unlikely that they won’t.


Once southern cross closes news bulletins on July 1, that’s it. And a regional 10 news bulletin seems extremely unlikely. Look what southern cross did to ten news in both Townsville and cairns in 2001. It was closed and it would take lots of effort to rebuild. So no I can’t see any regional 10 news bulletin coming from southern cross again

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In short term southern cross have no other alternative but to regain network 10 programs. They have to.

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… CBS10 have shown they can’t be bothered with news in Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth, so why would anyone think they give a rats about regional …


I’m not exactly suggesting that they just suddenly hire a bunch of people to produce some type of news content for regional viewers on their own accord, that would be ridiculous and clearly not in line with their current (or prior) strategy as you point out.

But SCA has to have some local content quotas that they need to meet, and I suggested that they probably won’t want to do that themselves after it was outsourced to Nine for the last 5 years. If there’s money to be made by 10 doing this, I can’t see why they wouldn’t look at it as an additional revenue source in addition to the negotiated affiliation fee. Especially if it could potentially bolster their own product.

We all know that producing news does not come cheap, so obviously finances would have to stack up and SCA would need to come to the party. But even with their limited resources, I believe 10 are in a better position to upscale their current news division to do this rather than SCA who clearly have no interest in the TV arm of their business.


Yes correct and they do need to meet a quota but I will not be surprised if they just mirror Metro 10 News First and just do a 5 minute noodle news bulletin during ad breaks…