Nine News Now

…and for what they’re worth, a couple of caps:


[quote=“Salty, post:60, topic:349, full:true”]
Belinda Russell presenting Mondays Nine News Now.
[/quote] I was surprised/disappointed to see Belinda today. However, I must say her presenting skills have improved greatly in the last three years since the Early News.

Natalia Cooper is presenting Nine News Now today.

@SydneyCityTV Natalia has been the regular Friday presenter ever since Amelia moved to Morning & Afternoon bulletins.


Oh…it shows how often I watch Nine News Now on Fridays then! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Regular Friday presenter Natalia Cooper is on holiday this week so Jayne Azzopardi is presenting this Friday.

[quote=“Salty, post:66, topic:349”]
Jayne Azzopardi is presenting
[/quote] Must say, Jayne did a very good job. She has improved immensely at presenting a news bulletin since 2 years ago. Good to see.

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A minor error with the supers at the start, although thankfully it was fixed after a couple of minutes:

[quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:68, topic:349”]
A minor error with the supers at the start, although thankfully it was fixed after a couple of minutes:
[/quote] Actually looks really good instead of all those graphics at once.

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Amber Sherlock presented today’s edition of Nine News Now for viewers outside of NSW.

Jayne Azzopardi filling in for regular Friday presenter Natalia Cooper today.Natalia worked on Today show this morning.

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Belinda Russell is presenting this Friday.

Tuesday (05.07.16) : Vicky Jardim is presenting today.

Vicky Jardim presenting on Thursday this week filling in for Amber who worked on Today Extra Thursday & Friday and
Belinda Russell presenting Friday.

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Amelia Adams presenting on Thursday this week.

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Also being presented from the national Morning/Afternoon News set in Studio 3 today, rather than the usual set which I believe is in Studio 1:


@SydneyCityTV l 'm guessing its because Amelia is also presenting Afternoon News.


[quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:76, topic:349”]
Also being presented from the national Morning/Afternoon News set in Studio 3 today…[/quote] Back to its original home. It is as @salty mentioned because she is reading both Nine News Now and the Afternoon News.

[quote=“SydneyCityTV, post:76, topic:349”]
the usual set which I believe is in Studio 1:
[/quote] The usual set is in studio 23, closer to the Today show.

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Nine News Now is presented from a small Studio underneath the Newsroom on the same level as WWOS.

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[quote=“HarbourSideTv, post:80, topic:349, full:true”]
Nine News Now is presented from a small Studio underneath the Newsroom on the same level as WWOS.
[/quote] It is in studio 23/24, I recall a presenter on Instagram saying hey were from that studio. Remember Today is broadcasted from Studio 2 (also known as 22), so yes the level below the newsroom in studio 3.

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