I guess that Ray Martin special on Nine Willoughby didn’t go ahead? They’ve kind missed the mark on that one. Too late to air it now.
Was that supposed to be televised?
I don’t understand your question? Why would they record a special on the old TCN site but not air it?
Plenty of slots to fill in the lead up to the next ratings year. Perhaps they’ll air it as a special event on the first night of the ratings year (February 7) before the Australian Open kicks off the next day.
Too late then. They’ve moved two months then. Old news.
There’d still be interest in it. They’ve aired retrospective specials well after the anniversary date in the past. The site has only just been decommissioned. I don’t know why you’d expect to see it in the middle of the silly season in amongst the repeat programming they’re currently airing.
Simple. Because that’s when the move happened.
Anyways doesn’t matter. Probably wouldn’t have watched it was just curious about what they’re doing with it.
I’ve updated the post above.
Low then high?
I think he means the vertical green stripe that shouldn’t be there.
Ohh ok. Yeah, you’d think all the kinks would be out by now…
Reminds me of a similar terminal fault I had with a PC monitor. I got mine replaced for free. I hope Nine have a similar warranty!
Does the Today chick do night news as well?
Yes, Belinda Russell is currently doing The Today Show this week, and 9News at 6 weather.
I noticed it on Today this morning. Dead pixel already.
Dead pixels are usually black. Stuck pixels are often a random colour… But a strip of them like that suggests there is a fault to me.
Looks like a connection issue in the panel, the set screen is made up of smaller panels (30cm x 30cm) that join to make the larger ones. (Less expensive to replace as its a smaller area affected etc)