Looks like a broken driver chip in the LED module to me. We’ve had purple lines, black squares, and other things like that appear on our LED wall. If it isn’t a whole panel, then it’s a chip. Still needs replacing though.
I love how everyone is suddenly an expert.
Nothing sudden about it. That’s Media Spy all over.
Tonight’s Melbourne bulletin will be presented from the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
Just saw the promo for 90 mins of news on 9 Qld… how long has that been happening statewide?
I’m assuming you’re somewhere regional? My guess is it is referring to the 30 minutes of 9News Local with Sam Heathwood (5.30-6) and then the metro news (6-7)
Yes I’m in Bundaberg for Christmas
Are these cameras automatically or operated by people?
Is it the screen, camera or camera housing that is making that backdrop look so hideously awful?
I suspect a mixture of the three but really very poor effort.
LED walls are really difficult to record on without ending up with moire. We avoid it with large distances between the talent and the screen, wide angles, and being very strict with focus and camera moves. If you want fancy stuff, it’ll look bad at times.
Facts, hope and trust?! Not buying it
I’m sorry, but that is the most awkward promo… black screen?
Ah when I think of those three words I instantly think of Nine News…not.
I think the “hope” means “we hope we got our facts right and we hope you don’t notice if we get it wrong” and “trust” means “we trust that you’ll like it anyway”.