What the fuck just happened on channel nine?
What happened?
? You tell us.
Very insightful thank you.
During Nine’s First at Five the play offs continued with music but the VO stopped and colour bars appeared for about 20 seconds on screen
Sounds like a technical error
Not really, just the default ending in the autocue.
Ok thanks for giving the context mate. Need to do so not just “wtf just happened”.
Nine GC making some use of the studio and large screen with some different angles though the set construction looks a bit rough.
why is most thing in that studio blue not in a good way
I think if you are going to have too much of a colour, it’s blue… it’s much preferable to too much red, or black or white or green to my eyes.
I quite like the shades of blue that Nine have used there.
A new stand for the upright screen to disguise what’s already there wouldn’t be too expensive to make, but would make a big difference on-screen.
Surely not impossible to copy what the metro sets have beneath their screens? But size-adjusted for the GC screen?
Brisbane tonight reporting on bushfires.
Luke Bradnam presented weather the Gold Coast bulletin earlier with a poor quality link that was fixed before he reported for the Brisbane one.
Just out of interest, what price range do you consider not “too expensive”?
Typical social media producers
This boat has a title?
It’s weird that is was even included.
There was no voice over, just the ships horn. And even if they put the name of the vessel on the graphics it’s still covering the ship!
It could be a template they use for all facebook videos