Nine News Content and Appearance

Huh? They literally came from the exact same studio? They didn’t use the same desk, but everything else was the same.

The 7 News presenting area was often used during Sunrise, either for standing presentation, showing footage, or the small round desk for interviews etc.

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Same studio, yes. Same sets, no.

They occasionally used the main backdrop screen from 7News, but the main Sunrise sets were separate sets in the same studio.

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Didn’t they use the same Sunrise set for Sydney’s weather?

As above, the 7 News presenting area was regularly used for Sunrise segments too, sans desk.

I’m not saying it’s exactly the same, but to say it’s not is disingenuous.

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A different promo from Nine News Queensland promoting was coverage


Would be good if they would cover the Israel crisis not just the youth crime… :wink:

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Yeah I know I kinda said it in jest, but I wouldn’t take much to change it.

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I know it’s photoshopped into this. But it would be nice if it wasn’t.

Other note, Lizzie Purl working out of Perth by the looks of it.

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Only for 30 mins??

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Yup. Both 7 and 9 are 30 mins from 7pm. ABC is all night from 5pm.

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Pretty useless to have only 30 mins of coverage… I’ll be watching ABC


Nine has a second bulletin later

As does Seven.

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I think they then come back later in the night.


Quite late though. 9 isn’t back til 11pm!


I don’t see how they are going to really going to make meaningful rolling coverage out of it otherwise…

It’s not like an Election where there are more variables (with multiple parties and preferences involved) and with constant updates seat by seat - I don’t think it will go to that level of detail in a referendum… it’s just a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ possibly by state.


Nine are using the innings break during the cricket for their later bulletin. They’ll also give updates as required.

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Shouldn’t the coverage start at 9pm in Brisbane? There is no point having a delayed telecast? Or will it be localised in Brisbane? Seems unlikely that would happen.

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Looks like Georgie Gardner has moved out of the main studio just after sport with Roz Kelly, to make room for Peter Overton and Brooke Boney for the Voice Referendum

Belinda Russell is presenting weather outside the studio in Sydney.