Huh? They literally came from the exact same studio? They didn’t use the same desk, but everything else was the same.
The 7 News presenting area was often used during Sunrise, either for standing presentation, showing footage, or the small round desk for interviews etc.
I don’t see how they are going to really going to make meaningful rolling coverage out of it otherwise…
It’s not like an Election where there are more variables (with multiple parties and preferences involved) and with constant updates seat by seat - I don’t think it will go to that level of detail in a referendum… it’s just a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ possibly by state.
Shouldn’t the coverage start at 9pm in Brisbane? There is no point having a delayed telecast? Or will it be localised in Brisbane? Seems unlikely that would happen.
Looks like Georgie Gardner has moved out of the main studio just after sport with Roz Kelly, to make room for Peter Overton and Brooke Boney for the Voice Referendum
Belinda Russell is presenting weather outside the studio in Sydney.