Nine News Content and Appearance

Standing presentation in Melbourne tonight. Seems they now only use it for big/important stories.


Even if that was the case, how is it an indication of Nine’s lack of intelligence? Just throwing it in there to grow the list?


Really hard to throw around the “lack of intelligence” line when making up a scenario in the same post


Instead of “breaking news”, why don’t they actually brand this segment as it’s own independent brand of update? They do it every month, and it’s worth bigging it up.

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Map glitch on tonight’s Sydney news


New backdrop for sport on Nine News Melbourne tonight


Climate change is happening pretty rapidly.



Coinciding with Tennis ending and AFL starting :slight_smile:


Funny how a person linked to this forum is the only place reporting this, (FYI I read his thread, very little detail and the article doesnt provide any direct quotes that its a replacement),

There is still speculation as to whether its a straight replacement as well as questions as to whether the 4pm bulletin will also be a Tasmanian produced bulletin ( as featured on the Win News pages on this site).

The fact is, it was said early 2023 this would begin, Win News still aired tonight in Tasmania, its still airing next Monday. That is half way through the second month of the year. March is the Third Month (Hey I can count the months of the year… yay me…)

My point is there is still very vague details and when people say people are making up things, perhaps the source of the information that others present as “facts” need to have supporting evidence… And posting what another member says is not necessarily fact.

where are your facts???

no quotes from Darren Wicks???

From what we hear they’re using WIN’s resources so it’s pretty clear that they’re not going to make an extra WIN News Tasmania for 5.30pm when they have a full hour bulletin at 6pm.

I mean, as long as it airs before the middle of the year that still technically counts as early 2023.

Nine have announced it at their upfronts and on their websites. What else are we going to consider as factual information?


This article here claims that the Nine News Tasmania will create more jobs… how so if you are axing Win News at 5:30 and replacing it with Nine News Tasmania at 6pm, given that based on the NBN News model, will at best give about 12-15 minutes of local content, then we have to ask will it be entirely live or will Nine News Hobart have a completely live broadcast with Launceston having a pre-recorded element.

The first 3 paragraphs of this article say this

"Nine has today announced it will complete its Australia-wide broadcast news network in 2023 with a flagship 6pm bulletin dedicated to Tasmania.

The hour-long 9News Tasmania bulletin will be produced by Nine and broadcast by Nine’s Tasmanian affiliate, live from a new Hobart studio seven days a week.

It will also create more local employment opportunities for journalists and production across Tasmania, as well as regional bureaus located in Launceston and on the North West Coast."

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It’s not as complicated as you make it. Based on that alone, it’s pretty clear that they’re consolidating operations towards Nine News Tasmania at 6pm which is hour-long vs WIN News at 5.30 which also contained a lot of fluff towards the later end of the bulletin. In fact if we were to evaluate the amount of local content on WIN Tasmania vs what you’re saying will be on the Nine bulletin, there really won’t be much difference.

Also, because Nine haven’t stated otherwise, pretty sure it will be an entirely live bulletin across the region.

Even if what you say is true, will it fulfil the minimum licensing requirements for that market???

Even under an assumption that all of the locally-based WIN staff move over to Nine, they’ll still need more staff to boost their ranks and/or to fill roles that simply don’t exist (anymore) under the current WIN model.

IIRC, Nine will be switching the bulletin from Melbourne using NNL control. So they’ll need more staff there too.

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assuming your assumptions are correct, it could create employment, but journalism was specifically stated by the article i referred to

Journalism isn’t only about the people in front of the camera, you still have non-tech roles such as editors, script writers and researchers working behind the camera who are still journalists.

“Journalist” ≠ “Reporter”

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Ultimately, based on the regional TV requirements in this country, the 4pm News could become an edition featuring local news and the 6pm bulletin could be the regurgitation of the metro bulletins, even if its supposedly a regional production.

I’m not saying it will, but it could long term

Nick, dont state the obvious…