Breaking news from Nine went for +4 minutes - graphics were ready again.
Is the reporter in Sydney or Melbourne?
Chris is in Melbourne right?
Box supers say both!
He is in Melbourne
A rocky start for Melbourne tonight. Similar graphic issues to yesterday.
Big error after the titlecard in Melbourne tonight. Studio behind Peter on the top story looking even more different, completely white and silver.
Same as last night.
Yeah no different to last night lol .
But the end title card didn’t play and it started the intro again.
New look endboard just appeared for a story tomorrow night in Melbourne.
I find this so basic.
Giant 3D text
Where is the design?
Where is the city imagery?
It feels so generic and does not look or feel local or Sydney in anyway.
There’s no design here. Giant blue 3D text. No design. No thought. Nothing nice for the eyes
Guess it won’t be long before the other markets roll out the local titlecards on their respective bulletins. I reckon QTQ might stick with “QUEENSLAND” rather than change to “BRISBANE”.
Where’ve you been for the past two and a half years?
All design faults that were mentioned when that package was launched.
Just reminded how bland and blah it all is.
Ok ok we get it. I agree that it’s probably the most basic designed opener they’ve ever used. But I will say that the networks these days are opting for quicker intros and not the traditional drawn out openers we’ve been so used to. The quicker the intro the less desire to create good design perhaps? In comparison Seven’s similarly ‘rushed’ opener looks far better.
You can have great design that is nice to look at in a few seconds.
I don’t like the thin NEWS text. I didn’t like it when ABC NEWS did the same thing to their logo in 2017. I’m used to it now but it still doesn’t look right.
I still think this is the best tilecard they had in years (since the 2004/05 globe)
Especially paired with this arrangement of the theme that Melbourne had. Sydney and Brisbane skipped the first beat. It was clean, classy, with nice localism.
Loved those openers and wipes. Wasn’t a fan of those supers though