Nine News Content and Appearance (2015-Sept 2020)

Most likely. Wouldn’t be surprised to see the current Perth set get sold to SC to be used in one of the main regional areas.

I would say the relaunch will happen to coincide with STW move to the Perth CBD.


If Nine News were to eventually launch new sets in all metro markets, I think we’d be more likely to see the current Sydney/Brisbane/Melbourne sets reused (or at the very least, elements of these older sets repurposed like the larger plasmas and videowalls) for SCA Nine/NBN bulletins rather than the Perth set being trucked to the other side of the country!

I’m not sure about everyone else, but the fact that Nine Perth are moving into their new studios in mid-September, around the time that Nine will be marking a significant historical milestone (albeit, more much relevant to Sydney than Perth!) certainly makes me wonder if Nine News has something strategic in the works…


I hope they don’t drop Cool Hand Luke, or else i’m off to the ABC!

I would make sense to launch a change at that time.
If they do intend to launch new sets, it would be stupid and expensive to start of their time at the new studios with the old set. And since they probably wouldn’t want for people in the eastern states to see the new set being it launches, Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane/Adelaide would likely launch at the same time. However I’m not 100% sure if it’s practical or possible for them to build 5 sets in 5 cities and launch them all at the same time - maybe a more staggered roll out would be more practical? How how they done this in the past?


For the last major 6pm news set change in 2009, Nine rolled it out in Sydney first followed by Melbourne and Brisbane. Adelaide & Perth weren’t network O&O stations at the time, but WIN eventually got them a smaller scale East Coast-style set (which Nine later tweaked in Early 2014) in 2011 and 2012 respectively if I’m not mistaken.

Somehow, I’m going to guess that any new graphics would be launched in every city on the same day. But as far as sets are concerned, we might see another slow rollout. Aside from Perth, I think most (if not all) cities would have to go onto a temporary newsroom or chroma key set-up while the set change is being made.

It’s good to know people here base their viewership of news services off of sane, totally normal reasons.


Reminds me of the time when Seven News Perth’s then new set coincided with the launch of the short-lived Feb 8 2010 graphics refresh.

Hope they don’t axe Cool Hand Luke. It’s one of the most iconic theme songs in Aussie television. Will be reminiscent when Seven temporarily dropped The Mission in January 2014


No, just no. Nine wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that, especially after the serious lessons the network learned about branding back in the 2006-08 era.


Graphics error on 9 Melbourne News


I’d prefer to see a nice remix of Cool Hand Luke :slight_smile:


Replace it with NBN’s theme :wink:


No thanks

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I’d like that, although I’m probably in the small minority of Sydneysiders who would…


Does Nine News Sydney always do this. If so for how long?

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Nine News Sydney has done those headline recaps (in the post-Sport, pre-Weather segment of the news) since the bulletin extended to a full hour, if I’m not mistaken.

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Has anyone recorded tonight’s Gold Coast News? There was a technical issue going to Courtney Zagel with the weather, so they threw back to Bruce in the studio to read the weather instead.

It was a pretty non-event. This is why it’s great to have someone back in the studio.

If there is any interest I can upload it. The weather was from the Gold Coast Show but Courtney Pattinson said something like “I’ve lost the link” and couldn’t hear Bruce introducing her, though we could obviously see and hear her; when she started to walk off camera they cut to Bruce.

Bruce was solo at the desk today


As the Gold Coast :sunglasses: is the latest new studio for Nine it will no doubt for the basis of all new sets around the country :smirk: