Nine Cricket Coverage

Well that is an extra hour which will make up for the time lost.

This day and coverage is giving me a headache and putting me to sleep, respectively.

Ian Chappell is boring as anything can I be brutally honest.

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Do you normally like test cricket? Test cricket is my favourite. Its strange but I love the patience that goes into test cricket which brings great skill. Also if people don’t appreciate an oppositions batting session then perhaps you would find it interesting. I never ‘go’ for Australia so I love the oppositions batting.

Agree I don’t really enjoy any of nine’s commentators hence why I am connected to various radios on my phone.


Don’t worry, it’s not long until the BBL starts


Been watching cricket for as long as I can rememeber and always perfer it to limited overs (T20, BBL, et. al.).

Just wish it were given a fresh coat of paint, so to speak.

Rule changes, overhaul of selectors, new broadcaster, more female presence, etc.

And yes, I do enjoy the BBL still.

Just leave test cricket alone.


I hope you’re not implying everything is perfect?

There was major issues with the broadcast of The Cricket Show in New Zealand. It appears Sky was being provided the raw ground feed rather than the ‘broadcast’ feed.

Whenever Michael Slater threw to pre-recorded inserts, we heard him communicating with the director and the shot would go to the one at the back of the grandstand. Sky NZ cut to ads on a couple of occasions when this happened, but persisted with the panel discussions and on-field interviews. The issue didn’t get resolved at all and Sky stuck with the raw feed.

Sky hasn’t broadcast the Cricket Show/lunch programming for 15 years plus, if ever.


I would like a new broadcaster but please don’t change the rules of test cricket. The implementation of the day/night test is enough and adds another new aspect of the game. Weren’t you just suggesting the other day you are a traditionalist and didn’t want things changed too much?

Seems like a bit of a contradiction.


No, nothing is ever perfect!

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It’s easy to sit here and complain about the coverage. 40 years ago when 9 took over cricket and changed the game forever, Packer and Co made the rules of the combox. You had to be an ex-player of international standard/test. Over the years they have changed that rule for two people. James Bradshaw and Mark Nicolas. James was shown the door last summer when they went back to basics with their original rules.

Mark Nicolas (broke his leg when he was selected to play for England, was captain on the A side) on the hand, was hand picked by Richie, whist working in the uk, to take control of the nine combox. packer at the end of the first summer was ready to drop him, but Richie and a few others changed his mind and he has stayed ever since.

So when it’s mentioned about, why isn’t a Jim Maxwel or co commentating cricket on nine, cause they are true to the original idea of Showing cricket. And really do you want an Andy M near the combox in test cricket?

Ok the team isn’t what it use to be, but unlike yesterday, there is choice via three radio stations to listen in too.

To compare it BBL on ten, is like apples and pears; completely different types of cricket and commentary style used for the game that hit and bash.

In regards to all males, seriously who cares? Is cricket on free to air tv - YES. And that’s the way it should be, cause what would summer be like if Cricket went down a path like F1 or V8’s.

Nothing is perfect and I am not saying nine is, but we have a channel that is showing a sport to all Australians, which at times is like watching paint dry.

Cricket is staying on the main channel in Melbourne, pushing back Nine News to 7.30pm AEDT. The overrun could be the difference between Nine winning or losing the night.

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So what happens to ACA? Will they not air in Melbourne and Sydney?

When I suggested any potential for changes, I should’ve said, towards things like the rain delay procedure.

But it most likely means Seven News well up and Nine News well down.

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Anyone got a video of the opener?

@Sifon will get it up for us on Saturday.

Michael Slater told viewers that tomorrow the 2nd day will Start 30 mins earlier @ 9:30am (local time)


What would you suggest?


Not halting play because of a drop of precipitation for starters…

I think they have got better with that actually. Today was quite heavy rain though.