
Yeah, they have a JustIn one too, I saw the other week, although I don’t know why Justin gets all these headlines?


Very Sky News 2005


God, it looks so awful. I’m sorry but who the hell is running the graphics department at Newshub? Appalling work! I can only hope that Discovery will step in and assist them here.


3 different pieces of info in that l3. More than TVNZ offer in theirs. And IMO looks better than normal Newshub and 1 News L3 graphics.

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I disagree. 1 News has big uniformity when it comes to their lower thirds. Newshubs is a big mish mash.


I really do think they need to return the Three or 3 branding.

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Uniformity is one thing. Text on screen to give information to the viewer is another

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It’s hardly that much information though is it…

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I’m hearing Ryan Bridge is in the sidelines ready to go if problems BTS persist.

What are the problems behind the scenes?

Have noticed the 3 of them are bantering a bit more lately but that show really does need a good shake up. They should give John Banks a go on AM, he’s filled in a bit on Magic Talk Mornings and Drive, always entertaining if nothing else…

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Attach some evidence of these “rumours”. I haven’t seen anything or heard anything about Duncan leaving. You still haven’t replied to my last question asking for evidence too…

I work in the industry. That’s all you need to know, lol.

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Disorderly behaviour. Bridge gets a much better reception on socials etc. as well. No significant inroads made against Breakfast, even as it’s become a bit of musical chairs as of late.


Music to my ears if it’s true sadly the AM Show comes across as a very angry show with 2 Massive egos compared to the friendly presenters on breakfast
Yes it’s designed for radio as well sadly IMO this hinders the evolution of the AM Show


New The AM Show promo
I can’t seem to get it to embed, but it’s the latest post on the Three @threenewzealand FB page

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Newshub leading with Trump covid 19 then trans Tasman bubble. Not a mention on 1.


Because it matters.

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1News opened the 6pm news-hour with Trans-Tasman news and then Trump… Sure you didn’t turn onto TVNZ2 instead of TVNZ1? :joy:


Spotted a 7 News card on one of the screens during the third, or was it the fourth, live cross from the newsroom last night (Friday Night).

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