
The penultimate bulletin.


I think that article shows part of the issue 3 News & Newshub, they kept chopping and changing things and should have picked and stuck. Even if it wasn’t rating well at first, give shows more time and have confidence with them.


What year was this?


August 9, 2001.


Held back on posting the below article until today because the tributes each of the women featured in this piece have penned about Newshub is a fitting way to mark its last day:


After 17 years, the AM Show on Three draws to a close. Here’s the final show in full.

EDIT: Due to copyright block, the NRL clips have been trimmed out during the news segments.


“This video contains content from National Rugby League, who has blocked it on copyright grounds”


Cut out the NRL content and you should be good.

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Nice touch having the Sunrise, Firstline, PH and AM show logos in the bg


Just did that an hour or two. Sucks for that to happen. But the rest of the video should be fine when it’s made available.


But unfortunately, Paddy Gower Has Issues won’t be moving forward for a second season due to funding according to Media Insiders.


@OnAir @NuStraya @Horomono @foxyrover In light of Newshub closing down, I extend my sympathies to the Newshub team and have written a goodbye message as a token of respect:

After 35 years New Zealand’s esteemed news outlet, Newshub, has officially signed off for the last time.

Formerly known as 3 National News and 3 News, the news programme has been a staple in New Zealand households, providing reliable and trustworthy news for generations. As a television trivia expert I feel compelled to pay tribute to the Newshub team and express my gratitude for their tireless efforts in reporting the news.

Newshub’s journey began in 1989 when it was first launched as a subsidiary of TV3 (now Three), under the name 3 National News. The programme quickly gained popularity for its comprehensive coverage of national and international news and current affairs. The team’s commitment to accurate reporting and insightful analysis earned them a loyal following and cemented their reputation as a reliable source of information.

In 2016 the programme underwent a significant rebranding and became known as Newshub, signifying a new era in the programme’s history. With the new name came a renewed focus on digital media as the team looked to adapt to a changing media landscape. The transition to digital was seamless and Newshub soon became a leader in online news, with its website and social media platforms attracting about thousands of Kiwis each month.

Despite the many changes over the years, one thing remained constant: the Newshub team’s unwavering commitment to delivering high quality news. The team’s dedication, professionalism and expertise have earned them numerous awards and accolades, including multiple Voyager Media Awards (formerly known as Qantas Media Awards and Canon Media Awards respectively) and New Zealand Television Awards.

As a television trivia expert I have always been fascinated by the inner workings of the newsroom and the incredible team behind the camera. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the Newshub team as part of my Auckland trip in 2021 and I can attest to their passion and commitment to their craft. Each member of the team plays a crucial role in delivering the news that informs and shapes our nation’s discourse.

As Newshub signs off for the last time, I want to express my gratitude to the entire team for their dedicated service. Each member of the team has played a vital role in shaping New Zealand’s media landscape, and I am grateful for their tireless efforts. I offer my sincere thanks to the reporters, producers, camera operators, editors and everyone else who have worked on it over the years.

I would also like to acknowledge the viewers who have supported Newshub over the years. Without your viewership, the programme would not have been the success it was. Your loyalty and support have been deeply appreciated and I hope that you will continue to engage with news media and stay informed with the latest and breaking news.

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. While I am saddened to see Newshub go, I am grateful for the many years of dedicated service that the team have provided. I wish each member of the team all the best in their future endeavours and look forward to seeing where their talents will take them next.

In conclusion, I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to the Newshub team for their dedication, professionalism and commitment to delivering high quality news. You have left an indelible mark on New Zealand’s media landscape and your work has made a significant impact on our nation. While it is sad to see Newshub go, I am confident that each member of the team will continue to thrive in their respective fields.

Good luck and thanks for everything.


another one?


And it begins,

Final Newshub Sport


Entire Newshub crew watching the final bulletin. :pleading_face: (via geekboy73 on X)


Mike McRoberts has teased “something very special” near the end of the bulletin. :eyes:


Final Segment