News Themes

I’m pretty sure Laurence Schuberth has composed all of NBN’s unique theme music (including the soundtracks used in NBN News promos, the “50 Years” Ident music, etc.) for decades.

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BuT tHeY sHoUlD rEbRaNd To NiNe NeWs


Of course, one can rather like the theme music to NBN News (and indeed most Laurence Schuberth compositions), while not liking/agreeing with other facets of their news service so much!

No doubt there are others here who have completely different perspectives but on the occasions that I’m in Northern NSW and the Opener to NBN News comes on - I hear a modern piece of news music which gets my attention for the headlines. Can’t really say the same about Nine News’ tired, dated sounding theme we’ve had on TV for nearly 13 years…not to mention their radio stations for a bit over a year!

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What’s wrong with it? Nine have experimented with different versions over the years but the current one is fine.

I still think the best version of Seven’s theme was the 1999-2004 version. Granted they’re not using it anymore (they should) but it’s still the best one they had and it’s now 21+ years old. Age doesn’t mean bad.

As for NBN’s theme I have always liked it. I think part of the appeal is that it’s unique and you don’t hear it anywhere else. Same with the GTS/BKN theme.

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I actually prefer the 2004 ere 9News theme. Had more grunt to it and depth. The current one is a bit flat IMO.

Also paired with a great opener

The below with the flame towers across the Yarra is still iconic to this day.


Same, that was probably Nine’s best ever theme music for their news.

The 2006-08 theme worked well on QTQ (who seemed to hang onto it until 2012, aside from a brief break after the 2008 relaunch) but wasn’t strong enough for 6pm bulletins on TCN or GTV - the latter who quickly reverted back to their previous theme.


Shame they ditched it. Far more modern than what they had beforehand (and now :roll_eyes:)


Well elements of the 2006 theme are actually under the current theme.

But I feel 2006 was way too weak.


Wow the Sydney version is so much nicer between the two there.


I would even go 1 step further than the theme. That graphics package I reckon would have had to have been the best in the country at the time and was IMHO miles ahead of what any of the other networks were doing, and of course complimented by that theme music at the beginning :heart_eyes: It just screamed Channel Nine of that era. Shame that their sets at the time were not so crash hot.

And just curiously, do we have anybody here that can mix music? Maybe someone could create a new modernised track based around the 2005 National Nine News theme

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I’m not a fan of the current Nine theme. It’s rather dull and extremely repetitive, and they made it sound worse with the relaunch.

The preceding versions of the theme were all far better, but they didn’t last as long for some reason. The 2005 theme would be my favourite, with the ‘cowbell’ version not far behind.

In terms of Nine, I’m also a big fan of the 2006 Nightline theme. So authoritative.


Agreed. I reckon they should tap up Laurence to compose a network news theme that could be used across both TV and radio. If he’s already on NEC’s payroll, it shouldn’t cost a lot.


WIN News still uses this theme, so people like me should say it’s WIN’s theme, not Nine’s.

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The current news theme for RTL Aktuell from Germany. It’s based on the US local news theme package, Power News, by Non-Stop Music. RTL Germany did use Power News prior to this remix in the mid 2000s.


In Brunei, the national television station uses the old ABC News theme composed by Tony Ansell and Peter Wall in their pre-bulletin clock countdown.

Watch the following video:


Besides DeWolfe’s “Fast Action” (which was also used BTQ7 Brisbane (after changing their newscast name to “Seven National News” (like the rest of Seven were using at the time)), QTQ9 Brisbane (after BTQ7 dropped), TVW7 Perth and GTV9 Melbourne (before they went to Cool Hand Luke like most of Nine were using)), I wonder what other news themes ATN-7 Sydney were using prior to 1978?


Does anyone know the theme used in the c. 1986 opener of Seven National News? I heard it was an NBC sports theme or something…

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What year to you reckon that BTQ 7 and/or QTQ had this as a news theme?

I would reckon that BTQ7 Brisbane used it from late 1976 (after they changed their newscast name from “Eyewitness News” (which relinquish to TVQ0 Brisbane as other 0-10 Network stations across Australia took up the brand) to “Seven National News” (like the rest of Seven were using at the time)), until 1978 (when they briefly used Johnny Pearson’s “The Awakening” (also used as the ITN News at Ten theme in the UK), before switching to the theme that sister station ATN7 Sydney started using by that point). QTQ9 Brisbane (as “Channel Nine News”), started using that theme after BTQ7 dropped it (up until 1980 when they adopted the “National Nine News” name most of Nine were using by that point). Radio stations 4BK Brisbane and 6IX Perth also used it as their news theme, Not to mention GTV9 Melbourne from 1977-80 (when they started using “Cool Hand Luke”, like most of Nine were using (except for QTQ9 Brisbane which did not until the start of 1985)) as well as TVW7 Perth (though not much footage of their newscasts prior to 1980 can be found).


The current theme for NTV Russia’s newscasts “Segodnya - Сегодня”, a staple on SBS Worldwatch for years.

Headline bumper music.