Wasn’t it pink for a while around the mid 2000s?
It was like a maroon velvet. Velvet and gold. Back when we were A Little Bit Fancy™
Media Spy?
Its a bit like the time that McDonald’s launched those Angus burgers
If only we could afford Michael Caton to promote Media Spy, like Maccas did with the VOs of those ads about a decade ago!
That’s why the design by @Zacgb is good. It ranges from yellow to orange, red and purple.
Let the relaunch ™ begin
Just quietly, its my favourite so far (sorry to @moe and @watvvideos, who I know put a lot of effort in)
We might let this run for another week or so and then pick a winner - ZOMG Relaunch Imminent?!?
I’ll be the first to do it…
Thanks everyone for the feedback and appreciation. Seems that a lot of people are attached to the Orange, I personally prefer the black or white variant of my logo.
I will do some slight tweaking to mine and submit my final piece this afternoon Good luck everyone!
Don’t be constrained by what people are currently attached to - I’m certainly not attached to the orange
Perhaps taking inspiration from Australian media changes we should rename the forum.
9 Spy has a nice ring to it
I like it too. To be more specific, I like it because it’s modern, flat and simple. Coloring it in fully orange looks alright, too (not that it must be orange or anything)
Media Spy Relaunch Project
Wednesday, January 1st, 2020 (Updated Thursday, January 9th)
Here is my final design, there are some slight differences, for example, the dot above “i” in “media” is slightly larger, complementing a realigned “signal” icon. The thickness of the word “Spy” is also ever so slightly thicker.
I also was playing with the colour Orange, trying to implement the colour into my logo, a lot of people seem attached to the Orange, and I don’t blame anyone, looking back at internet archives suggests Orange has always been in the site’s theme, however, I believe we should start off fresh and clean
The internet “signal” icon plays a large role in my design, almost the site’s primary icon. As many media outlets and mediums shift towards the internet, I think it’s fitting that we as a site reflect that.
Proposed Media Spy Logo - Light Theme
Proposed Media Spy Logo - Dark Theme
Realigned Icon
Proposed Media Spy Slogan - Potential Advertising Purposes
Proposed Media Spy Awards Logo
This logo is the only instance where the Media Spy “Orange” comes into play, I thought it would be fitting to design a logo with a touch of Orange alluding to the history of this site.
Application of Logo - Various
These next few captures demonstrates the new look and the website with my proposed logo. It also highlights how the the “signal” icon can be used as a complimentary asset for the site’s new look.
Media Spy Newsfeed
Browsing archive material of this site suggests that we once had a news section/user generated news. Perhaps this is something we can get into later in the future. Discourse has a great newsfeed plugin.
Facebook Advertisement - Example
Wouldn’t this be nice
Comparison - Old Vs New
Shit you’re too good man!! You must be a graphic /logo designer aye?
A Mediaspy Application? I think it will be great!