I like that one!
Though the “spy” might need to be underneath “media” as a square shape is probably more suitable I think.
I like that one!
Though the “spy” might need to be underneath “media” as a square shape is probably more suitable I think.
It looks like the Mountain Dew soft drink logo. Lol!
A few more pitches.
I assign all rights for usage/trademark over to MediaSPY PTY LTD.
Thanks, I think…
That 2nd one brings back too many “mappy” nightmares. So thanks, but no thanks (nice try though).
Thats cool! Maybe a version where the word Spy is in the magnifying glass?
Maybe a magnifying glass will be just as good as the current one.
Really basic version using the current logo for dark mode
EDIT: This is not my final design, scroll a few posts down for final submission
Here’s my take; modern and reflective of the media landscape in the 2020’s, with media shifting towards a heavy presence onto online platforms, it’s only fitting that the Media Spy logo adopts a logo that reflects the digital age.
Primary Logo (Light Mode)
Primary Logo (Dark Mode)
Secondary Logo (Stacked)
New look on mobile
Site Favicon
I like this one.
What does it look like in MediaSpy Orange™?
In this case I made “Media” orange as opposed to “Spy”, to be honest I prefer the black/white variant.
I like this new design
Why has the Media Spy logo always been orange?
Not that I have any issue with it.
MediaSpy™ Orange™ invokes a sense of excitement, vibrance, and a sense of passion to an otherwise depressing Bruce Gordon run WIN Corporation.
I really like this but maybe have SPY stacked below MEDIA, next to the magnifying glass.
I really like this lower case logo too. This could look better if the Media was not so bold, so the size of the dot in the wi-fi symbol, matched the thickness of the font.
And I like the stacked version you did, so the Spy sits below the Media.
ETA: Having more of a think about this one and the one above, I think I would prefer this lower case one. A fresh new logo going into the 2020s.
Damn so many new logos in less than 24 hours! Haven’t even had the chance to have my turn yet
I don’t believe there is a particular reason, and nor is there a reason to stay orange