
Well it was two weeks of episodes here but all shown in one week on Peach.

The final week was triple episodes.

The actress has confirmed that she’s back as a full-time cast member, after the recent announcement of her Ramsay Street comeback sparked speculation among viewers.

Speaking to the fan-run NeighBens YouTube channel, Lucinda has now revealed: “It’s great for me, because I never had a full-time contract previously. I was just coming in [as a] guestie.”

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What exactly was the update?

That she’s started filming her guest appearances?

Oh right. We knew that weeks ago.

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It was known she was joining the cast, not that she had started filming right? It’s just publicity.

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Mischa Barton looks very different from her days on The O.C.

And she spoke in her British accent.

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“I was surprised with some of the things I had to do”

It’s about time Harold did a nudie run down Ramsay Street.


I Thought you were going to say Harold come back from the dead as Salvation Army Worker…Oh Wait that been done lol


I watched her in an old ep of SVU the other day and she was really good in that, also playing an American

Neighbours is slow releasing the returning and new cast members with a name announced every week. This week it’s Lucinda Armstrong-Hall who is reprising her role as Holly Hoyland, the daughter of Izzy Hoyland and Karl Kennedy.


It’d be great to get her [Nat Bass] back too, but no doubt she’d say no to a series regular role again, I’m sure they already tried multiple times over the past 16 years since she left in late 2006, however she’s of course done a few guest returns and have been solid and that again wouldn’t be out of the question, hopefully a slightly lengthier stint and better storylines, with some publicity around it could work. She was just about its biggest star there at one stage in the early-mid 2000s.

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With her daughter now a regular, Izzy is sure to return at some stage.


Would be interesting to see how many are actually watching the 2012+ episodes. I suspect most have watched the iconic episodes and would rather see more of those than entire releases of more recent series. Indeed there were another 15 or so episodes showing up on top of the 50 released prior to them launching, mainly filling in the gaps in the 90s, but don’t think any more have been added.

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It’s probably a formatting/ master issue with anything early 2000s and prior, I know they’ve had the official uploads for all of 2007 and 2008 available for some years now on their YT, odd years in the first place, so suggests something… A shame, because that 2004-2005 resurgence was a great era with some memorable characters and storylines, but the mid-2007 re-launch with multiple new cast not so much. And 2011 (Eleven) really started to see things drift, apart from the odd solid storyling bounce-back here and there until about COVID.

Mischa Barton has told Sunday Herald Sun’s Fiona Byrne that she would film her guest role in Neighbours until mid June, before spending another week travelling and visiting friends. Mischa said she became aware of the soap as she grew up in Britain, because of Kylie Minogue’s success.