NBN News

Interestingly the 9 feed appears to be SD, yet the NBN bug is in HD.

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5am covered up. Poor quality image sorry.


I’d your gonna plaster the screen with crap - why not useful crap

Why not add a local weather or mess flipper?



I wonder if NBN only put it there that week only because Jane Goldsmith was presenting?

And as that’s the only time that NBN News will give the 5am news a plug instead of the Today Show at the end of the 6pm news.


Saw it at Greenhills the other day as well.

There appear to be staffing issues on the Central Coast.

As in the last few weeks, I’ve only seen Skaie Hull filling a local news report, and there is only one local voice over news item in addition. The other 2/3rds of the local window is from various other regions.

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One from the archive, the first segment of NBN News dated 21 September 1994. This would have just been before Nine’s relaunch in around October 1994, of which NBN would incorporate the 9 logo into their own, like WIN did. https://youtu.be/xdn9cTg1sHo

Credit: YouTube (For The Love Of Broadcast)


Yes I still remember the first time I saw the dotty NBN logo (in the Newcastle Herald TV Guide), which was a few days before the change occurred on air.

I totally convinced myself there and then that the 6pm news would immediately get the spinning globe opener and Cool Hand Luke treatment. I remember getting quite a shock when I saw that didn’t happen.

And now 25 years on, it still hasn’t happened!


Nine News Now says “Joining me is NBN presenter Gavin Morris” for the chatroom segment. You would think they would say “NBN News” instead of NBN


Except that sounds like he’s NBN’s news presenter, rather than a presenter of the weather on NBN News.


He is a presenter from NBN nonetheless.


I’m honestly surprised that Nine don’t acknowledge Gavin Morris as their own regional weather presenter, remembering that he does the forecasts for Nine News-branded bulletins in Southern NSW/ACT.

While I’m still on the subject, my most recent week on the NSW Central Coast - especially with the use of Nine News reports for Northern NSW bushfire coverage - has further convinced me that NBN really needs to swallow their pride and use the network branding for news.

I mean, it’d be fair enough to keep the NBN name in use if it was for both news and general programming (ITV does just that with UTV in Northern Ireland) but having the station as Channel Nine for 23 hours a day and NBN for news? Pick one or the other, please!


So, he either presents the weather on channel 3 or he’s advocating for fiber to the node.


Oh yes, it’s a total dogs breakfast!

Made all the more laughable by the vain and futile attempts to cover up Nine News branding during the 6pm bulletin.

btw, welcome back SCTV! First time I’ve seen you post for a while.


The lead story on both NBN News and Nine News Sydney tonight was the breakthrough on the investigation into two missing Lake Macquarie teenagers.

Jane Goldsmith did the NBN report, but Emma Partridge was sent up from Sydney to do the Nine report (as she did a piece to camera on location from both Belmont and Swansea).

Given Jane has been used as a presenter for Nine’s 5am news, and that Nine has been using Southern NSW reporters, why didn’t Nine use her?

Or why didn’t NBN get Jane to report on something else and use the Nine report?

This duplication of effort in this instance is silly.


Once you look past the surface of (often rather obviously edited) customised report sign-offs and some Nine News Sydney-produced promos, I personally wonder if there may be some form of internal rivalry between TCN & NBN?

And while Nine News’ “Sydney-fication” of Northern NSW coverage is notorious, NBN is often just as bad when it comes to acknowledging Channel Nine or the Nine Network. For example, Peter Overton was referred to by NBN as a “network reporter” in their introduction of a bushfires story during a recent (I think) Sunday night bulletin!


Either that, or perhaps even some dislike or distrust … At the very least, an obvious lack of internal communication or co-operation/collaboration.

Reminds me a bit of the relationship that WIN had with Nine in its last years of affiliation, though on a different level.

References to Nine News reporters just as “network reporters” has been going on for years as well.



But it’s still weird when not only are TCN & NBN owned by the same parent company, but said markets are two of Nine’s strongest. You’d think it would be in the best interests for the #1 TV news services/stations in Sydney and Newcastle of the same network ownership/affiliation to communicate, co-operate and collaborate with each other as much as possible!


Yeah, but regional networks aren’t so chill with letting the big boys take over, despite their business relationships/ownerships outside of the news operations. NBN runs the risk of losing editorial control which I would imagine they hold close to their hearts. Much like SCA Tassie and we saw what happened there.


Some promos: