After five weeks, tonight was Jane Goldsmith’s last filling on weeknight NBN News & weather forecasts (at least for now).
Gavin Morris and presumably, Paul Lobb/Natasha Beyersdorf will return on Monday!
After five weeks, tonight was Jane Goldsmith’s last filling on weeknight NBN News & weather forecasts (at least for now).
Gavin Morris and presumably, Paul Lobb/Natasha Beyersdorf will return on Monday!
It’s great to see content from a regional station being broadcast nationally.
When will it be airing on Nine and SC Nine?
3.30pm last Sunday.
In HD as well!
HD upgrades incoming? Or have their promos always been in HD?
I think NBN News Promos and the “We it” Idents have been produced in HD for a while now, as far back as at least the “Your News Every Day” promos of Late 2015 which were on-air months before the return of (NBN) Nine HD.
What really gets me about this and other elements of NBN News’ On-Air Presentation is the inconsistency with their logos. Pick one and stick to it, please!
Consistency in news branding has never been an NBN strength.
It all looks NBN News branded to me from those screenshots.
Take a close look at the NBN News logos in those promo screencaps. There’s two, possibly even three logo variants!
Coverage of the court case in Newcastle involving the driver of a truck involved in a chase from Murrurundi to Singleton resulting in major damage was covered in both NBN News and Nine News Sydney tonight.
Tyson Cottrill filed the NBN version, whilst Belinda Russell did the report for Sydney viewers. The content was virtually identical on both, and they even both did “on location” shots from outside Newcastle Court House.
Another example of an inefficient use of resources.
Personally, I think NBN should swallow their pride and air the Nine report when there’s no local angle being provided (as was the case tonight).
Belinda Russell’s reports often appears on NBN News, so she’s not unknown to local viewers. And it means NBN could cover an alternate local item, which to me is the main issue, as they only usually have 3 reporters on each day. Sydney has a larger pool of reporters to call upon.
NBN did have the sense however to take the Dannika Mason report on Knights player David Klemmer in their sports news.
Another inconsistency there, but at least it was the right call there.
Sophie Walsh did the Sydney report in the 4pm news
Isn’t Tyson Cotrill someone who’s been at NBN News for over a decade and has had past experience at Nine News?
He deserves occasional airtime in Sydney over Belinda Russell IMO.
This is how stupid Australian television networks are.
Why send someone up the F3 to cover the story when you have someone there covering it already for their local bulletin. That’s wasting money. Why not have Tyson do a quick V/O for TCN and national bulletins.
Also - how the hell is that relevant to Sydney? If it was a truck being chased from Parramatta into the city, yes, fair call. But Murrurundi to Singleton? People in Sydney would struggle to know where Newcastle is, let alone ANY town in the Upper Hunter.
If I was a NEC shareholder, I’d have the news director kicked up the arse for blowing my money.
It was also covered on ABC NSW 7pm news too.
I do think that this is state news, not just Newcastle and Hunter Valley news.
If Tyson Cottrill were to file the report for Sydney, he would need to redo the on air bit with a Nine News mic flag too
But is the ABC news a local or a state bulletin?
State bulletin
Exactly my point whereas Nine’s Sydney 6pm bulletin is local.
But Nine covers state issues too, not just Sydney local news.
The sooner that the Newcastle-based service rebrands itself as “NBN Nine News” (with mostly Nine News branding and signoffs, but with enough splashes of the letters “NBN” on graphics to prevent viewer confusion on the Gold/Central Coasts), the better.
As the case would be with all Sydney-based news services with a statewide reach I’d imagine that Nine’s coverage of NSW Politics (especially these days with the regional bulletins) is produced largely from a perspective which makes it relevant to all relevant markets, so the same philosophy needs to be applied to all news stories which have the potential to be shown across the state or even the network.
Fair enough to get Sydney reporters travelling up to Northern NSW for major disasters/tragedies where NBN would need external help, but there’s been other instances (of which, the Murrurundi to Singleton chase is one) where simply using NBN’s report/coverage would be a more efficient use of resources.
Not sure about everyone else but I’d personally prefer to receive coverage from someone who’s more likely to have local knowledge & experience with the area. We should all know how woeful TCN have been with basic elements of their Northern NSW news coverage at times, placing Tuncurry on the South Coast and Raymond Terrance on the Central Coast!