Yes please.
Why, although with fewer eps I’d imagine there’d naturally be a few less anyway.
Yes please.
Why, although with fewer eps I’d imagine there’d naturally be a few less anyway.
As many episodes would be okay. Just less ice cream.
I don’t expect this anniversary or not. No one cares.
Gordon Ramsay and Nigella Lawson to guest in Masterchef’s 10th year.
Great coup to have Gordon Ramsay on the show. Will he swear?
Hope so
You mean, we fucking hope so
W H E R E ’ S
Interesting. I wonder what George thinks about it. In 2011 he wasn’t a fan.
Has filming started for season 10 yet? Potential contestants could have found out via the media that Gordon Ramsay and Nigella Lawson are coming. They will know they will spend a week with both Ramsay and Lawson and will prepare accordingly.
Season 9 finale was shown overnight on W channel in Britain. Like what happened in July here, many UK viewers were not happy with Diana’s win, accusing the judges of rigging the result.
How do you know?
Because I had a peek
I’m not sure what they can do to prepare for it. In Ramsay’s case, watching Hell’s Kitchen USA is not recommended. It would only make them terrified.
I wonder what they’ll do with Ramsay. Viewers will expect fearsome Gordon, but that would be the polar opposite to MCA’s feel-good, friendly style. On one hand he’s a big drawcard, but on the other he doesn’t belong.
Gary and George were asked at the upfronts if there was a swear jar for Gordon Ramsay. Gary said that Ramsay has a softer side that is seen in MasterChef US and that he would bring the more nurturing part of his personality to the show.
This morning Matt Preston tweeted this to one of those accusers:
Ben did great but your disappointment should be for the editing! Sadly, the final cut omitted most of the positive comments for Diana’s fruit and the negatives on Ben’s. Diana was a deserving winner.
People on Digital Spy (closest UK equivalent to here), who enjoyed past series, have been absolutely scathing this year. They started complaining about all the desserts and ice creams pretty early, so you can imagine how they were tearing their hair out at Ben and his ice creams in the last few weeks. No one there is complaining about the result.
Does the pope pray?
Why is it even a question?
Given MasterChef’s PG classification, we hear S-words and everything commensurate.
But obviosuly any C-words or F-words would have to be ‘beeped’ or removed.
Even if we get some version of nasty Gordon I’d be surprised if there are any F or C words, bleeped or not. Too many long-time viewers would be put right off.
Gorden Ramway doesnt swear on the U.S version Masterchef Junior and I doubt he will do it on Masterchef Au. He knows which shows he can swear and curse on and which ones he cant