Little Big Shots

There is a small interview with Shane Jacobson in the TV guide inside Sunday Herald Sun and The Sunday Telegraph, which still has the premiere at 7pm tonight. Obviously the guide is printed in advance so it is not possible to take into account Seven’s midweek decision to postpone the show.

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Same in The Age Green Guide

Not sure about that one specifically but I’m pretty sure in the past many of those TV guide liftouts were often printed two weeks in advance but that was back when a schedule could be relied upon.

Both Sunday Herald Sun and the Sunday Telegraph published a small apology inside last week’s papers regarding the late change.
With Hell’s Kitchen premiering on Sunday August 6, I think Little Big Shots will take the Monday night timeslot.

Even though the latter really should have had the kid-friendly earlier Sunday timeslot of 7:00. That’s the only problem I have with this scheduling decision

Is Hells Kitchen not a multi-night program?

I think Hell’s Kitchen will air once per week.

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There is only 10 episodes.

10 episodes?

That’s as bad as Ninja Warrior.

How’s that meant to have any real impact for Seven, especially if it doesn’t do much over 1m?

I think its great. Short and sweet and appointment viewing. Why does a reality show need to have 100 episodes?


Because Masterchef does, derr


I think the surprise is that Hell’s Kitchen that has been getting so much attention is such a short run series raising questions about what else Seven has to offer for the next 20 weeks.

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You can bet the show will be milked to death if any new format with a limited number of first season episodes proves to be successful. I expect Nine will order at least double the number of episodes for the second season of Ninja and add new elements to draw it out.

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Just seen a promo saying that Little Big Shots is “Coming to Sundays” on 7


According to Newscorp Little Big Shots “premieres in a fortnight”.

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Premieres Sunday August 27 at 7pm. A short promo was shown just before the start of the second quarter of tonight’s AFL match.


Well they did say last month starting Sunday one would think this time it will happen

What a load of shit. Id rather poke my eyes out with a blunt spoon.

I’ll believe it when I actually see it on I think…

Completely over it due to the same ads over and over - is this the true meaning of ad nauseum? Think I’d much rather watch Cannonball which was advertised for longer but has never made an appearance that I’ve seen.