Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

But did it you rush to the ATM? Apparently you can, but the banks don’t want you to.


It makes sense. Dick Smith is an extremely intelligent man, but his jingoistic stuff over the years has given him a fan club consisting of naive elderly people who are generally quite susceptible to this kind of trifle.



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Cheers :blush:

Just noticed that in the Covid forum- every region/state based thread has a title that is " lockdown". However NSW is still just “Greater Sydney & NSW Outbreak” which implies no lockdown. Given the statewide lockdown has been going for nearly a fortnight now would it not be appropriate to change the thread title to “Greater Sydney & NSW Lockdown” in order to be consistent with the naming convention of the other threads?

probably yeah. I’ll adjust. Good spot.


also can we have the melbourne lockdown thread changed to Melbourne and victoria lockdown since since regional victoria went back into lockdown last saturday


@OnAir thank you for the changes :smiley:

I can read this Ad, did I past the test? :stuck_out_tongue:


One possible solution that just occurred to me is having the three-in-a-row-rule expire after a month or so. This would still prevent spamming but would prevent people from being permanently locked out from threads that get few responses.

Just another idea with the Covid threads- would it be worth opening up a new topic at some point to discuss the transition to a post-Covid world?

Most of that conversation currently sits in the discussion of impact thread but might be more appropriate in a new topic to distinguish it from discussion about ongoing impacts around the world.

Also just a general comment, I’ve been relatively active in the Covid threads of late (having been a lurker of those threads for a long time), and I just want to say a big thankyou to everyone (including those whom I find myself regularly disagreeing with) for being so welcoming. I know the debates and conversations can get pretty robust and fiesty at times in there (as this is a highly emotive issue), but it is always pretty respectful.
I’ll even admit there’s been times where my views and opinions have evolved or changed on an issue as a direct result of the conversation on here and understanding a different perspective.


Curious to know, when someone flags your post as being off-topic, do moderators check what the post was to judge it for themselves or just automatically delete it straight away?

They would review it, not every flagged post gets moderated.


Was MediaSpy Air reverted back to the old version of it? I really liked the one we had.

No, what’s changed?

The previous one had the categories listed like the classic version, could just be me going crazy

fixed - not sure what happened there

Haha I know it’s not MediaSpy, but the ads are getting more extreme.


He’s still single? His ads first popped up on here several years ago…
(you don’t need to read far to find out the reason why he’s still single either…)