Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

That is Dick Smith in sunnies.

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Best of luck with your studies. Might be a bit ignorant of me but this is the first post of yours I have noticed so I am sure the threads you frequent in will miss you. Engagement and discussion in threads is what drives this forum. So hopefully you are back soon.

And in what feels like a semi-regular response - we dont control what ads are placed

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I understand that and it’s not a criticism of the Mods at all. Mostly was a post about the great paint job done to add “sunnies” to Dick.

But also a question if there is anything on the ad account that limits selects the groups of the types of ads shown on your site? It’s been a long time since I’ve had an account through Google ads, but I remember in the day you could select the types of ads shown on your site that would make it relevant to its content.

I have got probably 4-5 versions with the same photo in the past week and a bit - the photo appears to have been changed now.

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You’d think he could afford a better pair, having got rich and all…

@TV.Cynic I notice the ratings for today aren’t up yet. Is everything okay? No cyber attack again, haha.


Today’s delay is unrelated


It’s not you. I know of people who have chose to stop visiting and participating on this forum for that reason. One thing that I especially don’t like are the few who choose to be smartarses and always give sarcastic responses to belittle the people they are responding to.


Me too. I’ve chosen to not comment in many threads now because I’m sick of reading the same arguments between people or seeing the same smartarses.


Agreed 100%


It’s the smartarses that annoy me. Choosing not to engage in debate and instead just shutting down anyone who doesn’t agree with them. And most of the time I sense they’re just doing it for ‘likes’. How sad.


I’ll be the first to admit that although I am absolutely not against people having their opinions or perspectives, at times I’ve definitely gone a bit further than I should’ve. Perhaps it’s just me being passionate about what I’m discussing and standing by my POV but I do apologise if I’ve offended anyone in our discussions.

Having said that, what I won’t apologise for is if someone is blatantly presenting misinformation or grossly-overexaggerated perspectives to push a particular agenda. For example, that comment about the people of Afghanistan yesterday was just pathetic and highly offensive. That kind of stuff is inconsiderate and shouldn’t be justified just because it’s someone’s opinion. I’ll be working to be more balanced and more considerate in my responses in the future but I will not accept anyone presenting misinformation and justifying it as their opinion.


What thread was this Afghanistan comment on? I must have missed it, but it seems a few are mentioning it

Was it the one along the lines of “Afghanistan is better than Melbourne’s lockdown”?

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I would suggest that you try not to take examples like this personally, it could well be the timing or the formatting - the post by the other user with similar content was screenshots rather than text / links, and a lot of people don’t bother following links for info, therefore screenshots are going to attract some peoples attention that were otherwise missed by your posts. 2 users liked both posts.


I don’t think you did - everyone seems to be agreeing with you


They’ve taken a liking to Dick Smith, a number of different ads with his image appearing recently.