Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

I hope no one is putting their phone where the sun don’t shine then. :grin:

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Should the ABC Comedy thread be renamed the ABC Kids/Comedy thread?

I know they’re on the same LCN but I would consider them different channels.

I’m not sure there would be a whole lot of discussion around ABC Kids either.


At the moment, the discussion around ABC Kids is mostly about Bluey.

Because Season 2 started yesterday.

If there’s any sustained discussion about the show content, as opposed to its ratings performance, we may establish a dedicated thread for the show.

The coronavirus coverage thread keeps disappearing off the front page. I’ve tried to pin it, but it just keeps unpinning. What am I doing wrong?

With all the gloom & doom in the world right now, perhaps we could start a new thread or even a whole new category dedicated to wholesomeness, pets and feel good stories we’ve all encountered? :heart::blush:

The system message I got:

This is an automated message from Media Spy to let you know that your post was hidden.

COVID-19: News Coverage 😷 - #625

Your post was flagged as off-topic : the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post.

This post was hidden due to flags from the community, so please consider how you might revise your post to reflect their feedback. You can edit your post after 10 minutes, and it will be automatically unhidden.

This message suggests at least one MediaSpy member thought it didn’t belong in the thread; perhaps just one overly-sensitive American or gun-lover.
Is that correct (someone flagged it)? What’s the threshold (is it just one person)?

To anyone that thinks the story didn’t belong there, I’m a bit surprised, but if the mods say or it’s the consensus, then some more detail on why would be appreciated (like all humans I get things wrong from time to time). Thanks.

Not sure what the threshold is but the item seems off topic.

Coronavirus Pandemic Coverage is for how the media is covering the pandemic. Other items such as news articles on the various effects of the pandemic are better suited to the Coronavirus Pandemic Impact.


Wrong thread - should be in the “Impact” thread rather then the “Coverage” thread


We’ve centralised the Coronavirus threads to a single forum - we’ll also expand the discussions as need be


Why use the scientific name COVID-19 now, when everyone is commonly referring to it as Corona Virus?

because when Covid-20 arrives, we will want to differentiate them somehow.


There are multiple versions of the Coronavirus - this pandemic relates to COVID-19


I agree with this approach, because:

  • That’s the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) official designation
  • There’s more than one coronavirus including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and now COVID-19 (the Coronavirus disease first seen in 2019, as per the WHO’s new naming standard; the virus which causes COVID-19 has been named SARS-CoV-2 because it is another SARS-like coronavirus).

The distinction will help when searching for information, to distinguish COVID-19 from other/previous (and later future) coronaviruses.

Hey Team. I am a little confused with all the topics is this thread " About the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion category" supposed to be open for people to discuss in or do you want people to discuss in already established threads?

Because the media and general public started using coronavirus but now COVID19 is the common term.

Mods, can the COVID19 section please be placed above Extra?

I’ve closed the About thread - its a system generated one to store the description of the forum

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I Think it’s great to have a separate category of Coronavirus COVID19. That way there will be threads on news events, impacts on TV and impacts on radio. Also. I Would like to have a thread on the Covid19: impacts on sports in the Coronavirus Covid19 category.