Yes, and according to one of the promos, LLB was on-site at the last renovation before the house was demolished saying “That house, its got to go” so there do appear to be some missing components that may not have made the final edit perhaps?
It wouldn’t be a Seven reality show without the casting of some contestants for the audience to hate.
All reality shows cast someone to hate.
But I think House Rules have gone too far with this pair - they have crossed the line between contestants we hate, but love to watch and contestants who effectively make the show unwatchable.
Those two ungrateful, noxious, uncompromising #%)*@($ have probably crossed the line, and this is being reflected in the ratings.
If they don’t get their comeuppance very quickly and soften, ratings may continue to remain mediocre.
I wonder how much of their antics is prompted and egged on by the show’s producers.
I don’t see how that was reflected in the ratings. They weren’t even seen on Monday night when the show scored its lowest ratings ever. It wasn’t until the fourth) episode (third night) that you saw them be so ungrateful.
Yes, they’re ungrateful but they’re also getting people talking about the show in the media so it could help House Rules in the long run.
So many changes for the new season: new set in Sydney (with a lounge, new entrance, and smaller screen), new judges, bonus room and statement piece.
Johanna got involved in this season, not only narrating each episode but also making multiple appearances at each renovation, except at the finish. No wonder she complained she was so busy that she had to be absent from Seven’s tennis coverage last summer.
The bonus room applied to each of the six renovations so it would be make or break for each team which got it. This is one new rule that I like.
The homeowners were not supposed to see how the revamp looked like during the renovation, so why did the producers introduce a new statement piece rule? That meant homeowners would know the renovation zones but also some concept of each team’s renovation.
If the judges were introduced to the teams at the start, why did they not give the critiques directly to the teams. Was it due to Lawrence’s schedules? Also we got to see the three judges meeting while the renovation was under way, something similar to My Kitchen Rules when Pete and Manu examined the menu.
As for the first renovation, it would have been better to remove personal belongings of Fiona and her family first, before wrecking the house.
The judges were very scathing in their comments (even Wendy joined in after being quite restrained in the past four seasons). It would be very hard to them to give 10 points to a team.
Was this the first time every other team failed a house rule? Fiona and Nicole reckoned the other five teams failed the contemporary country rule. Both sides were to blame: the ladies for setting the bar so high and the other teams for not doing their research. In general, Fiona and Nicole were very unappreciative of other teams’ efforts, disliking almost everything the other teams placed in the rooms. They said there were not in the competition to friends, this would come back to haunt them in future renovations especially if the ladies required help from rival teams.
Splitting the house reveal and judging over 2 episodes??? …really?
This is stretching the friendship too far.
Is Seven panicking and re-editing episodes to do this?
So in effect each renovation consists of 2.5 episodes of renos and 1.5 episodes of house reveal. Seven has gone too far.
If they couldn’t get him to stick around for the studio results then they should have had the judges pre-record their summary and score. Like you have the teams pre-record their summary and score on MKR.
It looks stupid having Jo read them off a clipboard and it’s a bit suss too. She could be saying anything and not the actual comments from the judges.
Last night’s episode was actually part reno. Maybe it should have just had judging and be a shorter episode. The problem with splitting the judging eps though is that we get heaps more recaps.
Do they force her to come back for the rest of the season?
Given that it seems more than 50% of air time is now given to reveals, a change of name might be in order to House Reveals?
Caught up with the two house reveal episodes today. Sean & Ella and Andrew & Jono best interpreted the house rules and deserved to be the top two teams this week. Fiona and Nicole kept the wall against Kate & Harry’s wishes and paid a heavy price. The 24-hour fix-it challenge will be very interesting. If Kate & Harry decided to renovate the lounge it would almost certainly mean the wall would go, but it would also cause the layout of the dining room to change. Would the producers allow that?
Once again, the judges and the homeowners were divided on some of the decoration ideas. For example: Laurence called the rug hanging on the hallway an “abomination” but Kate & Harry loved it.
Caught up with renovation of Andrew and Jono’s house today. Sad to hear Troy and Bec decided to split during this reno. Given their house was next to be revamped, I hope they had used the week off to mend their differences.
Fiona and Nicole were still showing their resentment towards other teams, made even worse when the ladies were given the bonus room: a study next to the not so “secret bar”. They spent too much time on the two rooms that they were not able to finish painting. Their choice of colours for the hallway were too bold.
I notice there were huge gaps between the three renos seen so far. The first one at the Grampians were done in October last year, Kate and Harry’s half house was renovated in early December, while the brothers’ WA home was renovated in late February to early March. Was it due to delays getting planning approvals from the local councils? Assuming the three remaining renos were done before Easter, that still leaves the fix it challenge, the exterior renos, the charity house and the secret room for the grand final. Is it possible that filming is still taking place while this season is still on Seven?
In TV Week this week Joh Griggs says she was involved in some of the changes to the show this season like allowing the teams to comment during scoring and her not popping into the middle of renovations to talk to teams towards the high pressure end, as she had done in the past.
She also mentioned that she is currently “shooting another architectural series this year” but she’s careful not to give too much away. Could it be Instant Hotel or yet another reno show?
Seven has previously announced Luke Jacobz will host Instant Hotel so it must be another reno show. Joh did one for Seven a few years before (can’t remember its name).
Ahhh just saw the add for tomorrow nights episode. Well we found out whose on the bottom of the ladder. Thank gosh for that!
Geez Fiona loves saying the same things over and over again. If I had a drink every time she references the cool group during each episode I would be absolutely blind every night.
Well I don’t know how the WA house could have been renovated in late February to early March when it almost certainly appears as though Troy and Bec’s renovation was done in early February concluding around the 12th of February which is when Sydney had their extreme heatwave which was referenced a lot particularly in last night’s episode. This renovation would had to have been completed after Andrew and Jono’s renovation so I am not sure what your source was for that. I thought early December to late February to early March would have been a big gap for production of a show like this.
In Andrew and Jono’s renovation, when Bec had arguments with Troy and wanted to break up, Troy tried to call Bec but could not get through, so he left a message. If I remember correctly, the date on his phone was Wednesday, March 1, which was how I based the construction period for the WA house. Unless the producers manipulated the time on contestants’ phones and it was actually Wednesday, February 1?
The reveal episode was so funny because of comments by Andrew and Jono, some of which had double meaning.
It was a hollow victory for Fiona and Nicole. Although they were given a pass for the bonus room and received five bonus points, they still had to sleep in the tent because Troy and Bec (who were on the bottom of the ladder) would have their house renovated next. The Victorian ladies still didn’t get it. They reckoned they were or were not given bonus room for strategic reasons.
Forgot to mention that the teams cars (Suzuki instead of Nissan) were clearly marked with House Rules stickers so they would have been easily identified on the roads.