Have You Been Paying Attention?

True. Mick Molloy was on fire last night and Kate Langbroek worked so well with him.


I’m not so convinced, Ed, Sam, Tom and others are there every single week. Surely they’re out and about like the others that keep being replaced.

And then there’s all the news presenters etc they all seem to be at work.

You’d have to be pretty unlucky to be at an exposure site with those odds.

It only seems to be this show that’s affected with guests/ talent dropping out.

Sam was missing a couple of weeks ago and it was addressed that there had been a COVID close contact at Nova. When Marty dropped out recently, it was also mentioned there had been a COVID scare at the SCA studios.

I think the show is making a conscious effort to keep everyone safe but at the same time not kick up a fuss about COVID because constantly talking about it is getting boring.

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Then that’s just such bad luck for this show.

You don’t see any other show having this problem.

We’ve seen it on Sunrise, Today, Studio 10 and Weekend Breakfast, which all had presenters miss a day or two due to cases in their studios.

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Yeah during the lockdowns/ large case numbers but hardly anything now. Though I guess Victoria still has a large daily count so it’s possible.

The Project seems largely unaffected too.

It’s happened there too. Tommy Little in Melbourne and Jan Fran in Sydney, just from memory. I believe Deborah Knight also missed one ACA for that reason.

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I guess I don’t watch enough of these programs to notice then. :joy:

Not the first time that’s happened.

I think Lisa also replaced Carrie when there was a scare at SCA and both Tommy and Carrie did their radio show from home.

But you know Denise hasn’t left the house lol

Maybe it’s dynamics too. If one has to cancel then they know from past shows who works well and who doesn’t

Have you been stalking her? :stuck_out_tongue:

She’s hardly fresh talent. She’s been around for ages.

It was in reference to JBars comment earlier

Why do keep saying stuff like that? They are trying to feature more up and coming comedians. What’s wrong with inviting her back to do more shows?

People complained about Tim McDonald when he first started but he grew stronger with each appearance and now hosts The Cheap Seats too.

Trainer and Melbourne Cup-winning jockey Michelle Payne is guest quizmaster this week.

Aaron, Emma, and Fifi join Ed and Sam next week.
2 big episodes to go!

So if the season finale is Monday November 15, what has 10 planned for November 22 (the final Monday of survey period)?

MasterChef finale? Maybe it’s 2 hours?

I swear if you were blind you would think Tim Mcdonald was back on the panel and not Josh.

Why is that?

Josh didn’t bring much to the episode tbh. Bit of a waste.

they sound the same