Have You Been Paying Attention?

Everyone has stepped up tonight. Very funny show.


Indeed. Lots of laughs.

Wish they hadnā€™t cut away so quickly from Samā€™s reaction to Annā€™s ā€œwhere do pearl necklaces come fromā€ comment. Something tells me what followed wouldā€™ve been hilarious but not suitable to be broadcast.


Andy Lee will be on next Mondayā€™s show with Sam taking a week off.


Just like how Andy replaced Sam on The Front Bar last night

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So Andy Lee is on every FTA network this week? Hamish must be signed to Nine.

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Hamish was on Hughesy earlier this year, and HYBPA? within the last 12 months. I donā€™t think he is on a network contract anymore either.

But Lego Masters is huge for Nine now so I think they would attribute that to Hamish and lock him down. Plus he moved to Sydney.



Hayley Sproull along with Peter Hellier and Mel Bracewell next week.

2 Kiwis with same style? Iā€™ve watched their version and its not as funny. This will be interesting.

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The not funniest part would be Hellier, genuinely not sure how heā€™s still working.
Clearly thereā€™s an audience for his predictability


I donā€™t think there is. I think ten grossly over estimate his talent and appeal. Should never have made him a permanent team member on the project and given him his own show.
Iā€™m sure he has talents but not as a tv funny man.

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Just because you guys donā€™t like him doesnā€™t mean he hasnā€™t got wide appeal. He does and thatā€™s why he is there. We canā€™t all like the same things.


Strongly disagree with you both. Heā€™s been going a while now with great TV success for over 2 decades. A recognisable and familiar face that suits HYBPA well. Rove and Before The Game his greatest contributions.

I donā€™t watch The Project regularly at all but I recall heā€™s a great addition to the show and contributes well. Probably a better contributor and fit for that show than Dave Hughes was.

Thanks for emphasising my point

I donā€™t like him, I find his humour to be predictable, and dare I say it simple.
The entire ā€œdaggy dadā€ routine that seems like itā€™s from a different decade (note to prime minister)

Would it best we donā€™t discuss the pro and cons of people appearing on the tv show that the online media forum is here for?
The forum might get a little quietā€¦

But itā€™s also boring if you keep taking pot shots at the same person. There are plenty of other comedians including new ones that get tried out. If they perform well on the show, then they can keep coming back. If youā€™re going to rule out daggy, older comedians then you can put Glen Robbins, Tony Martin, Marty Sheargold and Mick Molloy in your firing line. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: After last nightā€™s effort, Iā€™m inclined to put Andy Lee in that category too. All his cultural references were from 20 years ago. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I think you need a bit of everything, to make the show work.