George Floyd Killing/BLM - Coverage

These stupid Americans. There just going to create a 2nd wave of CoronaVirus. There’s no social distancing in rioting.


Zero Fucks Given seems to be the order du jour at the moment


10’s opener with speical super for cross to CBS reporter

Seven and Nine


A big deal was made of the acquisition of a water cannon in NSW following the Cronulla riots. It ended up being gifted to Fire and Rescue NSW because it was never used. It’s interesting to note it isn’t a piece of equipment I’ve seen being used anywhere in the U.S. as a means to control rioters and restore order.

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Ash Mullany has been in the thick of it.


Bit of a history with water canons and black people in the US…

It’s strange looking at some of these places with Google street view, the place on the right here is the restaurant which has been seen on the news tonight looted and destroyed and the 4 storey building across the road with the loans is now a pile of rubble still smouldering. So many livelihoods of no doubt innocent people now caught up in the destruction also. Each night getting worse too, I’m not sure what they can do to stop it each night though there’s more and more locations jumping on board and they’re lucky there’s been no lives lost so far (apart from George Floyd) but if this keeps escalating each night there’s bound to be some casualties at some point.


Hard to socially distance from a policeman crushing your neck.

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Let’s start again.

I commented saying that rioting like this isn’t social distancing and not helping them fight coronavirus.

Moe then commented about it being hard to social distance when your being held down. (Which had nothing to do with my point at all)

I then get confused thinking he meant it happened during the riots because that is what I was talking about.

Done. End of story. All a misunderstanding. Obviously.

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I’ve removed a bunch of posts - play nice or you’ll get penalty boxed for 24hrs


I hope those journalists will be okay. This is insane now. They are just trying to do their jobs . No matter what news organisation you work for your safety is paramount and you have a right to be protected and safe from any such disgusting violence.


My point is that the reason they are protesting, sure in violation of the social distancing measures (though mask usage is widespread), are because there is a risk to many of their lives that cannot be avoided by simply “not rioting”.

If there wasn’t video, this wouldn’t have made news anywhere, because it would have been yet another of the thousands of killings of black men in the US by police - they are protesting weighing up the risks to their lives from staying silent.

What’s the point of not getting coronavirus if the police can come in and shoot you in your home, or suffocate you to death on the roadside?

Both things are an active threat to their lives - they aren’t, as you called them, “stupid” for wanting, needing, to voice their rightful anger.


Violence isn’t the answer. These riots wont change anything.



The problem is, what will? Heartwarming social media posts, stories retelling the way they are treated when out in public, comparisons between what happens between them and white people have all not worked, simply walking down the street and trying to ignore it all hasn’t worked for them either.

I admit, I hadn’t paid much attention to things and didn’t realise things were still so bad, I thought it was all stuff in the past but reading more and more into this and watching the coverage I can see that they’ve tried to resolve this peacefully but now rioting and protesting is the only way for them to feel heard.

I do agree there’s a massive element of trouble making in there too and I don’t condone nor agree with that but the need to be heard, the need to feel like they have a voice and the unity between many of those from all walks of life and backgrounds and generations at the beginning of the protests when it was peaceful show that this is a major issue and something has finally snapped and needs to be changed.


CNN showing some very confronting pictures at the moment.

It’s like a war zone. Crazy stuff.


More reporters hit by police, not too sure if this has been shared yet.

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