Same as Foxtel magazine
Murdoch to save the day.
Hope they get the rights but if not so be it. Its footy season time.
This is great, two Murdoch controlled companies (Fox and Star) arguing over money.
The requirement for each country to have the same Super Rugby TV graphics is gone under the changes format of the competition this year.
NZ (Sky), Australia (Fox) and South Africa (SuperSport) all showing different graphics packages. Japan’s team has a home game today so will be interesting to see what is used there. Argentina doesn’t have a home game for a week or two.
only seen Sky Sport NZ’s so far - it’s nice. Flat and easy to read.
Agreed. Fox’s set is very much based on their network look.
yeah just saw the SD graphics on the Today Show - not as nice as Sky’s.
Japan is using some horrible mishmash of the Rugby World Cup graphics from last year. Looks horrendous.
I’ve always preferred each network to use their own graphics packages rather than they all follow one set.
The terrible RWC graphics used again. Prefer Sky NZ’s Fox Sports and Supersports graphics
for tournaments outside big events like World Cups etc, I agree
I think FOX looks the best out of the lot, Sky NZ looks too plain and Supersport’s are the same as their cricket graphics which is good but FOX is more simple yet still looks that bit better.
Overall I rate in this order
- FOX Sports
- Sky Sports
- SuperSport
- The ones used in Japan.
Even more reason for Fox Sports to go along with Ten (for anti-siphoning laws) and buy these rights before someone else does (i.e. Optus and EPL). Netflix might partner with SBS or something, you never know
It might seem a bit OCD, but the ‘zoom out’ effect that Sky use on their score graphic when they are highlighting something else looks odd.
Fox’s need some tweaking too (they had a TMO graphic that was unreadable because it overlayed the Waratahs logo)
(I wasnt a fan of the previous graphics, they looked terrible)
Not only that, but Star and Fox are physically seperate too (21st CF / News Corp) - surely any interference from Murdoch to get a deal would be inappropriate (if not illegal)
I can’t picture what you mean in my mind but will have a look.
True, not that these rules and laws have ever stopped Murdoch, if he really wanted it, a quiet off the record word is all that’s needed.
sorry, but anybody thinking Murdoch will step in and ‘save the day’ has to be kidding themselves - not to mention it would be questionable ethically
Good thing Murdoch would never anything ethically questionable…