Fox Footy

Its a lot worse when the camera view has large red blocks in it (which is a fair percentage of the Swans LED advertising and they’re incredibly bright). The less red in the frame, the less obvious (to basically being undetectable) the phenomenon is.

Don’t have access to 4K here - wonder if its similar on there too

I don’t recall seeing it on games that Seven have covered either - does Fox run alternate colour settings I wonder?

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Just did a little experiment and took the LEDs out of the shot and I stand corrected. All the whites in shot have a very faint pink in them. The colour of the circle is the closest to white I could pick. Not even the goal posts are free of pink. @lexington might be right with the LEDs affecting colour settings on the cameras.


The game in May was particularly bad - today’s is much better (although I suspect the warmer artificial ground lighting helps)


Montanga: "the fans who came down will be able to say “I was there”.

The commentators won’t be able to…

Also, isn’t is sad such a record game is forever tarnished by having pink vision, remote commentators and Howie on it?

They aren’t even bothering calling properly anymore.


Yeap, all depends on what’s being seen by lens. Fox also run shutter in their cameras for smoother slomo replays… so that probably helps by closing the aperture a little.


Fox Footy is showing the 2023 Australian Football Hall of Fame live from Melbourne’s Crown Palladium tonight from 8.10pm AEST. Gerard Whateley will host the ceremony.

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Sarah Jones is hosting the event, Gerard just interviews the inductees. Anthony Hudson is hosting AFL360 for the first time since 2020 alongside Robbo.

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There’s audio syncing issues on the Port Adelaide vs Gold Coast match, the umpire’s whistles aren’t syncing with their movements and the commentary is delayed by about two seconds, as are the boundary reports which are also out of sync.


Thank you! I thought it was just me and was going to ask the question. I guess that happens when the call is being done in Melb for a game in Adelaide. :man_facepalming:


I think this is more of an NEP issue than a Fox Sports cheapness one, but you’re right. They should be here at the bloody venue!



For an alleged “premium” product, the quality has really declined in the recent past. Notwithstanding the commentary issue, the frequency of audio and visual issues or “quirks” has increased dramatically


Agree. This year there seems to be a visual bug that happens at the start of each quarter on 4K, usually when it’s a Channel 7 hosted game and they are crossing back from the Fox Studio to the game feed.

It’s just a brief moment, where the vision flicks and appears to duplicate a few frames just for a nano-second. Its pretty annoying. Has anyone else noticed that this season?


It was happening last year too (and maybe prior years too but I can’t recall) but was a gentler crossfade. It is certainly more jarring this year. It’s noticeable on some of Fox’s own games too, not just the Seven-produced games.

It looks like the problem is that during play Pres are taking the feed direct from the OB, while in the brief time before and after the quarter/half/etc breaks they take the studio source (so that studio can control their own transition in and out of OB commentary and vision) and the extra hop of the OB feed going via the studio adds a short delay.

The problem could be fixed or made virtually unnoticeable by having Pres’ OB feed source put into a very short delay to align it with the delay via studio, but that takes extra engineering effort, equipment, and cost.



Gerard falling for this hook, line and sinker is hilarious though, what a streisand effect.


Been amazing hasn’t it? I say this as someone who’s generally liked Whateley over the years, but this just reeks of someone who has a massive stick up their bum and and a sense of self-importance that no one else seems to share.


Jeez Howie is a pain to listen to. At least his fellow Triple M bloke JB is listenable, Howie just seems bored half the time and like he’s doing a Triple M call-lite (certain words/slang phrases). I still maintain commentary isn’t his best position in cricket or footy. Interviewing (one on one or boundary) is his strong suit.


Agreed, he calls footy for TV like its Radio. We don’t need him to verbally say who the commentators are, there’s graphics for that champ. I do really rate the interviews he does before the game which are inserted into the start of Saturday coverage, they are great and truthfully should be longer.

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That’s such a true statement, of quite a few commentators this year across all stations.

The bored factor is unhinged! Howie would be the lead on this, with JB not far behind.

Howie’s podcasts, excellent but commentary, it’s just not cricket.

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Especially because he gets put solo on Fox, when he’s better in a team on radio.