Federal Politics

I understand there can be a half Senate election in the second half of this year.

We still have to work out which electorates need to have an election over the citizenship saga first. People in my electorate still have no idea if our member is going to be referred to the High Court because itā€™s simply a political threat which nobody will pull the trigger on. If theyā€™re ineligible or there are questions about them, refer them, isnā€™t that why everybody had to declare at the end of last year?

If itā€™s a moral issue for Barnaby, heā€™s done nothing wrong politically. How many other people have done similar things? How many people in the media have also done it but it just hasnā€™t been reported on? Heā€™s under far more scrutiny and while I and many others donā€™t agree with his choices, heā€™s done nothing wrong. If though there has been a breach of other rules then something will need to happen but itā€™s up to the party to decide, not a witch hunt by the media.

Thereā€™s something like at least 3 state elections this year and there were 2 last year off the top of my head.

Could be worth him stepping down to the backbench, this plus the citizenship stuff must be taxing on him. Remember when Turnbullā€™s away heā€™s acting PM.


yes 2 last year - Queensland and WA. 3 this year - Tasmania, South Australia and Victoria

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You canā€™t have another election over something like thisā€¦ Now that is a waste of tax payers money.

I agree that is the issue. The fact he had an affair with a person he worked with has nothing to do with it.

News just getting stuck into Barnaby Joyce.

And the Prime Minister is copping a flogging too.

But wait, thereā€™s more.

And the headline of the week from News:

ā€˜WEIRD, ROOTING CULTUREā€™: Reality of working in Canberra :joy:

They must have some of the journos from NT News assisting.


Another scandal. Barnaby is fucked.


Yeah I did hear this was about to come out.

Cue Newscorpā€™s rubbishā€¦

There isnt anything scandalous here, yet - but you cant take it on face value that its legit (Barnaby needs to clarify the reasons why he needed the extra days)

Apparently thereā€™s more dirt out there but the media outlets are worried about releasing it without proof. Itā€™ll be interesting to see if they can dig up the evidence.

Not long now.

The red egg appears to have survived, sadly.

So? Iā€™m glad heā€™s still in. He deserves another chance. And he has a name.

Yes. His name is mud.