Federal Politics

When the NT News, Sky News and The Australian are all bashing the plebiscite, you might as well give up.


Yes, the NT News comic-Photoshop front pages are totally representative of the views of religious Australians.

Their vulgar, crass publication is exactly the opposite of what any decent person would read.

That you mix this up just because MURDOCH is weird.

< Insert artificial left wing outrage that anyone religious is deemed decent, because their views of religion are formed through far-left socialist western media >

Are you okay?


To be fair, I remember reading that a nationwide survey conducted recently found out most people wanted a plebiscite.

N.B I’m definitely not one of them.

Seems there’s religious and “religious”. I consider myself a Christian, had a church wedding (opposite gender) and all. This came out on Monday: >


More than 500 Australian religious leaders sent an open letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today urging politicians to “show leadership” and legalise same-sex marriage.
Anglican, Catholic, Uniting Church, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders have signed the letter.
“As people of faith, we understand that marriage is based on the values of love and commitment and we support civil marriage equality, not despite, but because of our faith and values,” the letter reads.

I’m with those religious leader not the “religious” folk who inhabit the comments sections of News Corp publications.


according to this

But the Galaxy poll found support (for the plebicite) drops away when pollsters clarified that MPs and senators would not necessarily be bound to vote for the reform, even if Australians vote for a change.

Support for the plebiscite fell to 35 per cent when respondents were asked again in light of the non-binding nature of the proposal and then further to just 25 per cent after the $160 million cost was raised.


Pfft the same style of nonsense that comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury in the UK. We know the tune “community leaders” are “expected” to sing to… :roll_eyes:

Sure. Yup. The 30-40-45% of Australians who DON’T support same sex marriage definitely do NOT overlap vastly with the 50% of Australians who are Christian… :roll_eyes:

Of course, this 30-40-45% totally comes instead from those who actually declare themselves “atheist”…

Or maybe you and the others who liked that post can explain which mythical group of ghost-like Australians these people who don’t want same-sex marriage overlap with. I’ll await your dopey snarky responses!

Give me a break, what lunacy.


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Arguing the pool of 30-40-45% of people who don’t want same sex marriage comes predominantly from the non-religious portion of the population, rather than the religious portion of the population, is absolutely lunacy, yes.

But in regards to what a snarky response is, just refer to what you posted, lol.



While some of Hewson’s analysis is interesting, he seems to downplay the reality that leaders of parliamentary parties can only lead by consent, and so of course Turnbull (or Shorten on the other side) can’t just do whatever they want, they have to keep the majority of their party on-side.

(A scene from the BBC’s “Yes, Prime Minister” comes to mind, about nurses, teachers, etc. being “much less important” than MPs…

…they can’t vote against me until the next election. Backbench MPs can vote against me at 10 O’clock tonight.

[hopefully I’ve remembered the quote right].)

To the substance of this issue, Hewson’s correct that Abbott is repeating his previous negative nonsense, conflating anything & everything else with the actual question.
Destroying is always easier than building and Abbott is just a wrecker who failed at actually running the country (and running it into the ground doesn’t count as running it).

…postal survey is vulnerable to voter fraud because Australians will not be given individual identifiers by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, experts have warned.

…the ABS promised that the postal survey forms will include “no personal identifiers … and all materials will be destroyed by the ABS at the end of processing”.

Johnston said the ABS was in a “catch 22” because creating an identifier would lead to significant privacy concerns but promising not to raises questions about “how they can protect against a rigged vote”.

“How can they check whether or not people have voted multiple times?”

… the ABS “has no powers to ensure that the right people are answering” surveys.

“After the question is mailed to 14 Smith Street, whoever picks it up and answers it, that’s who answers it.

I’m glad they won’t be using personal identifiers, but now not only is the result going to be in-doubt due to various possible disenfranchisement issues, people having moved, etc. but also nothing stopping people taking others forms from their postboxes & voting on their behalf, and claiming to not have received them & asking the ABS for another to vote multiple times.

What a ridiculous waste of taxpayers money…all to delay the inevitable, just to keep the LNP from falling apart.

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This is the right way to go about it. Now that we’re heading down this route, boycotting is not going to make any difference - people will still be exposed to negative campaigning.

The worst thing that could happen as a result of this now is a resounding ‘NO’ due to a boycott, and this would provide ammunition for anti-SSM campaigners and prolong the issue.


Dastyari is Hinch’s seventh wife/defacto?

In cold electoral terms, Shorten can’t lose and Turnbull can’t really win.

I guess we’ll see in the next Newspoll ratings for preferred PM, but I can’t see Turnbull allowing Australians to have their say on the issue to be particularly damaging.

Now, I know Fairfax and the far-left Australian media loves this from Shorten, but this screaming nonsense from Bill in contrast to Turnbull being respectful of both sides will be off-putting to many traditional Labour voters.

it’s not prefered PM that matters… heck, Abbot trailed Rudd in this. the 2PP is where it counts and based on this - it will be a wipeout. If the current 54 - 46 trend continues (and is uniform, which it will not be) Labor will win 34 seats giving them 91 to 54 seats. a wipeout and it can’t come quick enough honestly.


It’s a fantastic speech.

This is what Andrew Bolt, Rowan Dean, Paul Murray do nightly on sky!