Federal Politics

I drove past his new office just yesterday too. I didn’t realise he had one now but it had all the Nationals branding. The Nationals were in the media a couple of months ago saying they were looking at having more candidates run in the upcoming election but it was a bit odd when Steve joined. Jacqui had a tantrum about it.

You’re talking about the Queensland LNP right?
Because the Liberal party were certainly not.
And watch this space re the Queensland LNP merged entity. Another term in opposition and they will almost certainly split again.

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The Liberals were formed as a liberal party. Menzies never referred to himself nor the party as conservative.


LNP Senator for Qld - could we put this down to smoke inhalation? Perhaps there was there a hidden marijuana crop in the burning scrub? Adani the little Aussie battler :open_mouth:


Personally I like LNP as an abbreviation for ‘Liberal & National Parties’ (as well as for the combined entity in Qld).
Despite them claiming differences they’re always (federally at least) in coalition so for practical purposes they may as well be a single party, and the Liberals are more divided internally than the separation between the Libs and Nats anyway. :wink:

Plus it’s preferable to another term I’ve seen: “Coalition”


Little Aussie battler???
It’s a foreign (Indian) company - not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with a foreign company - but wow, how about not saying such stupid things when people are dying from extreme weather, record temperatures/heat waves & fires in Qld and the recent rain in NSW, both of which pretty clearly fit with what climate scientists have warned us all would happen with global warming?


Sadly the only type of battler that this government is interested in helping…


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Climate & Weather

It looks like good news, this appalling draft legislation won’t be rushed in because of the uncooperative behaviour from Dutton & Morrison.

It would/will cost Australia jobs & violate our civil rights by demanding companies secretly introduce security vulnerabilities in their products’/services’ to bypass encryption (which of course bad guys would/will also find & exploit).

I’m very sorry for correcting you in the use of the term LNP when clearly I have misunderstood the context of your remark and your background in the LNP. However, would you at least agree it is often misused when describing the various coalitions federally and I’m the states?

As to the merger itself, as previously stated I feel it’s harmed both parties.

Anyway, enjoy your day, I have grass to mow.


Can you get a more Australian way to end a robust discussion! Love it!

But you’ve reminded me I should probably go out and do mine sometime.


Pretty sure Australia didn’t invent lawnmowing.

Sorry to say.

Pretty sure he didn’t say Australia invented lawn mowing. Think you completely missed the point in that it is a rather “Australian” way to end a robust discussion by simply saying you’re off to do something mundane and suburban, be it lawn mowing or whatever. Anyway if you didn’t grow up here you might not get it.

But if you want to be pedantic, Australia did invent the rotary engine lawn mower - the Victa company in 1952…

Anyway I’m off to mow the lawn :slight_smile:


Rather arrogant and obnoxious to think we don’t mow lawns in other countries… but a typical ‘Kochie’ attitude of Australia (and not surprising from someone who refers to the Liberal Party as the ‘LNP’).

We first climbed Everest in May 1953… when did Australians? A week later? A month? A year? A decade later?

Gotta love the supercilious attitude of some on here. It’s the ‘Kochie-style’ concept that Australia is the greatest country in the world, the greatest in everything and if you didn’t grow up here you’d never know nor understand. F*ck off, we’re full.

And yet… politically, Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people’s ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.

You’re still not getting it. I’m clearly talking about not “getting” the humour. I think you just proved my point there LOL.

A few roos loose there.

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I think you’ve been listening to Macca for too long if you’re ranting on about the ‘mythical’ Australian ‘humor’

There’s no such thing. While your bleeding heart may cling to such a myth, the truth is… Australian ‘humor’ does not exist. Nothing distinctive. Nothing unique.

Take QT.

UK Parliament is far more witty and funny.

It exists and it’s spelt humour. Maybe that’s why you don’t get it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry. I went to UQ.

Was taught there to spell it humor.

No joke.