It sounds like it’s playing off a back up tape, seems like there’s been a technical fault somewhere causing that to happen.
Not heard for a while on the retro countdown show on 2st.
Don’t Stand So Close to Me 86 version by The Police
Just after 8:50pm on Smallzy’s Surgery on the Nova Network this evening: “Wonderwall” by Oasis.
Upon checking its release date (October 30, 1995), this was well before Nova was even conceived. While I personally don’t mind the song (it’s one of my all-time favourites), I think this is taking the throwbacks way too far.
You mean “Wonderwall” by Oasis?
Still not the song I would really associate with playing on Nova (even as a throwback).
Sorry I got too excited and rushed my post! I have edited the original.
“And after all, you’re my Oasisssssss……” doesn’t work quite as well does it?
But still makes sense I guess!
I think that’s what “throwback” should mean, a good song being played out of the normal range of what the station plays.
When 2000s to now is your normal format, they aren’t really throwbacks when you keep them in the rotation enough.
Keep it in limits, no more than one an hour, don’t play the same track more than once a month, and it’s a little edge of variety to stations that too often have a narrow play list.
Weird Al- “Eat It” playing on River 94.9 as I type this
Song cracks me up and not something I expected to hear on River
I didn’t realise that 102.7 Toowoomba has an alternative/indie rock program on Friday nights 7-9pm - with songs that don’t quite fit the RDS description of “Easy Listening”. Happened to first notice Girl From Mars by Ash. You would have to probably go to Rebel to hear many of the tracks.
Just after 9:00pm this evening on Triple M Nights with Dave Gleeson.
Heard it plenty of times on Nova, 2DAY FM and KIIS, but never thought Triple M would play this song…

but never thought Triple M would play this song…
It’s an alt-rock pop-rock song so it actually does fit. It’s also a bloody good tune.
On Triple M Newcastle at 9:20 AM this morning during Awesome 80’s Friday, to promote Roxette’s upcoming Australian tour next year, they played Joyride which came out in 1991. Surely they could’ve played some of the songs from Look Sharp! Which was released in 1988 (ie “The Look, Dangerous, Dressed for Success etc)

It’s an alt-rock pop-rock song so it actually does fit. It’s also a bloody good tune.
I agree and it’s a awesome song
Billy Joel - Just The Way You Are on Double J this morning at 11.45am AEST. Very odd choice for Double J.
Not sure if this song belongs in this thread but earlier this morning on Triple M Newcastle (and regionals), I heard “Just like a Pill” by P!nk from her 2nd album “Missundaztood” as part of their “double shot Tuesday” this song is usually a staple on HIT metro (eg 2DAY FM) but it’s kind of rare for the Triple M regionals to play a P!NK song that isn’t “U & Ur Hand” or “Raise Your Glass.” Still a classic early 2000s hit though.
On 2OOO FM on the fresh mix show. Nice one @anonymousbroadcaster
This song has been mentioned in the past before but I Heard “All that she wants” by Ace of Base on Triple M Central Coast Six minutes ago. This song is mostly suited for 2Day FM/Star 104.5 FM
Probably not really that different to what they usually play eg. Roxette, Madonna etc.
Well, i usually hear those artists you mentioned on the regionals as always but this is the first time I’ve heard “All That She Wants” on the Regional MMMs outside of a countdown. Last time it was heard was on the Greatest 90s songs countdown during Triple M Regionals “12 Countdowns of Christmas” last year where it peaked at 8.