If they aren’t already, I reckon 2CH will play 2000s music from artists like Michael Buble & Andre Rieu before overly long.
Michael Buble yes, Andre Rieu? I don’t think so.
Angels/Robbie Williams on Triple M Greatest Hits Digital. Wrong. Just wrong. WTF are you doing Triple M?
I agree mate. The funny thing today, we were talking about this. The people who are programing the music on Triple M’s ‘Music That Makes You Feel Shit’ and Triple M Greatest Hits Digital need to hang their heads in shame. MTMYFG format is horrid.
Leave that princess pop stuff for the Hit network and let Triple M play their rock and real AC greatest hits music.
What bothers me the most about GHD is the inconsistency with their playlist. They play the occasional good song followed by rubbish. The playlist of it’s predecessor OMG was really good (apart from the weird voiceover) and the initial playlist on GHD was probably a tad safer but still very good. It’s a bit of a joke that they still use the ‘randomisor’ statement in their sweepers as their playlist is not random at all anymore, it’s very safe and sounds like a lot of other stations. Thankfully MMM Classic Rock still seems to be adventurous.
Not sure about the MMM regional playlist as I haven’t listened, but I will have a look. Based on comments here, it’s not too good.
Yes GHD is becoming a bit disappointing yet at the same time Classic Rock seems to be getting even better.
You can see their playlist here (via 2GO): Free online radio stations – listen for free at OnlineRadioBox.com
and the Victorian MMM regional stations’ playlist is Free online radio stations – listen for free at OnlineRadioBox.com
This changed as of 15:45 today… finally found and fixed the issue where the previous tech had mono-ed it out leaving the studio… So now it is Stereo out to Stanthorpe and also stereo right to the input of the audio Processor at 1242 AM Site pending the reinstall of a AM Stereo Exciter and the Orban 9100A
That’s great news!
If only it were 3 hours and 3 mins earlier.
I’ll be out there next week, look forward to trying it.
Well done @gordo92 for your passsion to the industry and your profession, improving these sites.
(Could admin please shift this into the Super Network thread?)
Listen to the wind by John Farnham on SWR awesome 80s
On the subject of John Farnham, 2DAY FM has played “Pressure Down” a few times.
Even though they are playing more 80s songs now, he seems like a bit of an odd choice for them.
I remember 2day fm played the whole whispering jack album back when it was released.
Ahh album cuts.
They were the days.
Yes remember the concerts on tv in fm stereo, and those movies like raiders of the lost art in fm stereo.
I know Christmas is just around the corner (in case you hadn’t noticed ), but I didn’t expect to hear this on WSFM Sydney just now
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Frank Sinatra and Cyndi Lauper
I enjoyed hearing the song though
Looking at Online Radio Box, 4KQ are doing another “Sizzling 70s” weekend, with a bit of a festive twist to it.
One particular Xmas song from the 70s that they played at around 1:37pm local time this afternoon was “Jingle Bell Rock” by 4IP Good Guys. Interesting that a station played a song done by a group of people from a one-time rival station.
I mean, if WS in Sydney did an ‘all 80s’ weekend with a festive twist, would you see them play “We Wish You a MMMerry Christmas” by Doug Mulray, in which whilst he was involved with the station in the late 90s, was with a rival station at the time the song was released? I guess you wouldn’t hear WS play “You Are Soul” by Doug Mulray during an ‘all 80s’ weekend, because, well…you’ll figure out why.
Yes - sizzling seventies again. During the week 4KQ played another from the “10-10 bin” but this was before the Good Guys. They mentioned Geoff Mullins (PD), Paul J Turner, Ray Mcgregor, Lee Cornell, Kevin Hillier, Alan McGirvan, Graham Roberts and John Knox.
Could this possibly be the same Geoff Mullins who later went on to present Ten News in Brisbane until 2003?