All 6 commercial stations are on air in Stanthorpe. All 4 Toowoomba commercial stations plus Rebel and Breeze. Coupled with nearby high powered ABC’s and TEN FM and you have great choice in Stanthorpe!
How lucky are they. I would be in heaven having those radio stations in my town.
Wow that’s amazing. Are the 4 Toowoomba commercials on FM? So Stanthorpe has:
4AK (FM)
4WK (FM?)
Triple M
Better FM radio than most capitals and compared to what people in Ace or SCA only markets get…
Yes, 4WK is 91.5 FM there.
Yes I would love if Rebel and Breeze come to Victoria!! Rebel is a better version of Triple M and Breeze is a better version of smooth!
Yeah i dont get these small towns get so many comercial station yet Wollongong only gets 2. I guess they can listen to Sydney but still not the point.
Yep- Stanthorpe is the most over-served town for radio in the country considering its size. Closely followed by Lightning Ridge, which has 2VM/Now as well as Opal FM (community), 2WEB and I think 2CUZ as well, and the mandatory ABC Local/RN.
Hmm some might say over serviced but in NZ and US this is the norm…
Over serviced in the Australian context, I mean. Which- I agree- is probably the level of service that should be available.
Gold 104.3 have played I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith twice today. Firstly at 9:26 this morning and now on as I am writing this as part of ‘This Week In Music.’ They usually only play songs once a day.
This song gets flogged to death on Triple M and 102.5 Edge FM here.
Who does all the research for these radio company’s these day? Because they are making Australia radio look very bad, with these very narrow repetitive formats.
Another one tonight!
Gold 104.3 played ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz as part of the Saturday Party Playlist. Can’t imagine this one being cranked up at too many parties!
I don’t mind the song though, brings back memories of Channel Seven’s Packed To The Rafters promos in around 2008.
This song has been a regular fixture on WS’s normal playlist of late.
well I live in Victoria and I listen to Rebel via the magic of live streaming!
2CH Sydney are currently playing Celine Dion’ s “Because You Loved Me”, a song that was only released in 1996. I didn’t think they played stuff as recent as that?
Maybe I’m just older than I thought I was!

2CH Sydney are currently playing Celine Dion’ s “Because You Loved Me”, a song that was only released in 1996. I didn’t think they played stuff as recent as that?
That’s nothing. I remember back in 2013 that 2CH (back when it was owned by Macquarie & was therefore 2GB’s sister station) played “Someone Like You” by Adele, which was only 2 years old at the time & was at least a few years away before WS started playing that song on regular rotation.

2CH Sydney are currently playing Celine Dion’ s “Because You Loved Me”, a song that was only released in 1996. I didn’t think they played stuff as recent as that?
Maybe I’m just older than I thought I was!
Well that song is 22 years old… Imagine you were back in 1985 and they played a song from 1963 on the radio - old song, right?
True. We used to think that exactly.
Well yes, but it’s a young un by 2CH standards! Seemed a bit out of place to me. Anyhow…
Yeah I reflect on our age. Was looking at some old John Farnham interviews and he was talking about his kids. Now his son Robert is now roughly the same age as when John released Age of Reason. Interviewers would often reflect how it was a long long time ago he released Sadie the cleaning lady. But that was only about 20 years before . I wonder how Johns mum inlaw is going. Anyway way off topic. Wonder when 2CH will play 00s music in the 2050s? (as a regular part of the playlist). Bob Rogers on sat night (or his equivalent) reflect on the spice girls?